Sunday, March 6, 2011

Single Handle No Hot Water

bales Cava Sari Sari - Report of the process

Anna Fava
Romiti Process - During the hearing on February 23, 2011, the prosecution called as a witness, geologist John Auriemma, specializing in waste management. In 2003, Auriemma was a consultant to the prosecution of Nola, which had been commissioned to carry out analysis of about 900 bales of CDR arising from the Tufino and deposited on the ground alive, without any precaution, Cava Sari, in the municipality of Terzigno. Bales said the witness, were classified on the packing slip with the code 19:12:10 cer which stands for "waste fuel (RDF, refuse derived fuel)." Because the deposit wild, said the witness, the prosecutor Nola had seized the area almost immediately and charged a commission di periti, tra cui Auriemma, di effettuare delle analisi sulle balle per verificarne il contenuto e capire se quel tipo di stoccaggio aveva potuto compromettere le matrici ambientali. Effettuare le analisi, tuttavia, si è rivelato più difficile del previsto: attraverso un modello informatico la commissione aveva calcolato che per esaminare un campione significativo occorreva prelevare 29 ecoballe sulle 914 stoccate, ma a causa delle pessime condizioni in cui si trovava il materiale riuscirono a malapena a prelevarne 20. Infatti, ha spiegato Auriemma, l'involucro protettivo di molte balle era lacerato al punto tale da non consentirne il trasporto. Tuttavia questo permetteva di fare una rapida analisi a vista. "Il contenuto delle balle" ha rivelato Auriemma "non era né Cdr né rifiuto lavorato: dagli impianti avrebbe dovuto uscire un materiale combustibile dalle dimensioni di circa 10 centimetri e ripulito dalla sostanza organica. In quelle balle invece c'erano sacchetti ancora interi, semplicemente spappolati, scarpe e pneumatici. La sostanza organica, soprattutto nelle balle più interne alla piramide, era in stato di marcescenza. Le balle erano state depositate lì con il codice 19.12.10 che sta ad indicare il Cdr, ma quello non era nemmeno rifiuto trattato: era RSU, rifiuto solido urbano". Munnezza punto e basta. La commissione riesce a prelevare 20 campioni di balle ancora impacchettate che vengono spediti in un laboratorio. Ma qui si riceve una nuova "sorpresa": 13 di queste balle non possono essere analyzed because they are full of organic material in an advanced state of putrefaction. Analyzed on the bales are unable to do an audit commodity whose verdict is predictable: it is not because the size of the material Cdr do not coincide with those provided by law. "We have not performed additional testing," Auriemma said, "because otherwise we would have to alter the material analyzed. The impression we had was that the material had to skip some stages of processing within the plant. I assume that the waste will not be passed for the crusher and screens, which were to separate the light fraction from the organic fuel, heavier, have been altered to allow the production a large number of bales. Probably - added Auriemma - to expel from the plant as much material as possible during an emergency phase. "The rubbish and the emergence, a kind of symbiosis.

Defending Fibe have raised several objections: how can Technically those bales that had skipped a stage of processing if the various machines were connected to each other? The poor quality of those bales could be caused by failure to separate collection? "How can" Auriemma said, "I do not know. But the final product were not bales of poor quality, but waste not worked. "Accompanied by a large amount of whole tires. With regard to the separation, he said even the heads, he knew that plants came as such refusal, but the purpose of the system was to work to produce either a CDR of a quality beyond the parameters of the ministerial decree.

The defense has put last objection: how could the committee to evaluate the parameters that these bales overrun if other tests were not performed unless the commodity inspection and analysis of the scale? Perhaps the witness is not aware of the fact that the parameters on the size of the CDR have been changed to read little later? Auriemma said: "When we conducted the analysis between the parameters of the CDR was also established by law that related to size and that was enough to prove that Cdr it was not. "" But, "smiled the lawyer" should not be a determining factor when shortly after they changed the law. "The geologist looks at him confused.

law, you know, is a relative concept. And the tires burn very well.

Ps - remember that the process Romiti, the defendants are the leaders of Fibe of Fisia and Impregilo and the heads of the special commissioner for the waste emergency in Campania in the years 2001 - 2005 for fraud, fraud in public and abuse of office supplies. The next hearing will be held March 9, 2010.


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