Tuesday, March 8, 2011

19 Weeks Pregnant And Frequent Urination

The Woman's Network inspects the landfill Vesuvius

For days the press and witness statements to alarmist on the sidewalks, (ecoballe coming from somewhere, the discharge of sewage and rotting leachate tanks, huge piles of tires stored, the ashes of Acerra, of widening and excavation work of the quarry with the use of landmines. ... there are only nuclear waste, then we are full) to create really worry sometimes view the source from which they come, for roles and authority, should use at least the benefit of the doubt or, especially, to accompany the representations made by reliable documentation.

Too much luck ... to ... lupo... finiscono col rendere meno attendibile un allarme vero che nelle condizioni date non è mai possibile escludere.
Ne và della credibilità di quanti sono impegnati da anni a far valere le ragioni della verità provata al fine di controbattere le enormi menzogne, per lo più istituzionali, che hanno accompagnato l’iter dello scempio ambientale del Parco nazionale del Vesuvio.
Stamane con alcuni amici della Rete dei Comitati vesuviani e non, ci siamo recati a osservare da varie prospettive l’attuale discarica Sari e la cava Vitiello ( con le relative foto che alleghiamo).
In primo luogo occorre rimarcare che allo stato l’attuale discarica è vicina al suo calmieramento come da legge, ma i conferimenti, circa 300 t a notte (18 -19 compattatori), come rilevato dai registri Sapna in Provincia, hanno di molto rallentato il conferimento (rispetto alle 1200-1300 e passa t. dell’estate-autunno scorso).
Pertanto appare verosimile l’utilizzo della discarica come minimo per tutto l’anno in corso.
Gli standard di adeguamento della stessa alla normativa europea prevista sono stati aumentati e dal vivo si visualizza il telone impermeabile termosaldato a contenimento della stessa, l’aumento di condotte per la captazione del percolato, la copertura della stessa con terreno di riporto e l’aumento della captazione del biogas in gran parte bruciato (cosa questa che lascia perplessi sul completamento del biociclo di metanizzazione del gas is). This morning at 11.00 am
little smell and a large number of gulls and crows in Sari.
There is no work to be in the condition of the reservoir enlargement of the landfill, which is technically impossible, nor even the enormous earthworks to perforate wall of lava to switch to another reservoir (which is not specified by law as current-emergency suspected area is not within the expected availability of the Site by DL 90/2008). The question
"eco balls" would be useful to do some 'clarity.
The storage area of \u200b\u200babout 700 bales near the hill of Sari1 was made relying directly the soil (porous and brittle) bales leave for years to leach the soil of Vesuvius, and even victims of a fire "strange" were there to irreversibly damage the area without anything to be done to clean up the place despite reported promptly at all levels promoted by environmental groups and academics like Professor Genovese territory.
Later the area was impounded by the magistrate of Nola, and everything was hushed up. Currently
Sapna decided in his own way to achieve a partial rehabilitation of the site on which the "eco balls" transfer in the reservoir Sari certainly more protected from the danger of leachate. The agency
provincial government will transfer the bales as ARPA Campania (with valid national agency) has characterized as waste as the same (ie RSU), confirming what experts established by the Prosecutor of the Republic of Nola in the past had not scored bales as a CDR (as classified by the Commissioner of government) but heaps of MSW badly crushed and packaged as best.
Which is why move them to a site to better seal is a choice of good sense even if the state the transaction is not yet taken place.
course some concern that the area where they insist the bales can be used for other stocks, there is all but needs un'ordinanaza regional commissioner of the President because, according to the highest levels in the Sari can give only 18 municipalities in the red zone where no plants or pseudo Stir these in and then this is not the product "compost off-specification "or Fos, for example, to be spilled into the park area, it appears only to be blocked, however, the unrealistic and outrageous proposal endorsed by some of Sapna Mayor" incompetent "to transfer the rubbish of the 18 municipalities in Styria and Tufino the remaining "Fos" bring in landfill Sari, even violating the agreement signed with the Presidency of the Council, the regional, provincial and prefecture.
about the status of the quarry Vitiello then the photos speak for themselves.
We traveled in all its gorges and tires, leachate, or anything else not even the shadow.
It remains constant attention and supervision that will prevent this area to inform and possibly on time of any action that could aggravate the already battered land area of \u200b\u200bPozzelle Terzigno.

Network Committees Vesuvian

Cava Vitiello


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