Thursday, March 10, 2011

Morphin Power Rangersclipart


Alessandro De Pascale

RENEWABLE. The banks write to ministers, Forza South threatens to bring down the government, associations requesting changes. Today in Rome demonstration of clean energy companies to "let everyone know about the damage that the decree will have on a growing industry so far." Bonelli of the Green: "The principal is the administrator of this killeraggio Conti of Enel"

Prestigiacomo on the tables of the Minister of Environment and Economic Development to the Romans, at this time seems to have received a letter from the Bank, in stop reporting the funding for renewables, fearing a possibile blocco anche di quelli per le infrastrutture. «Il settore delle energie rinnovabili - spiegò a fine gennaio Giuseppe Mussari, presidente dell’Associazione Bancaria Italiana (Abi) - è fortemente dipendente dalle sovvenzioni pubbliche. I conti economici di queste imprese, privati senza gradualità delle provvidenze statali, non reggerebbero». Così, da quando è stato approvato il nuovo decreto, gli istituti di credito hanno sospeso tutti i finanziamenti al settore, visto che ormai non hanno più incentivi sicuri . I contributi alle rinnovabili sono ormai garantiti soltanto a chi allaccerà i nuovi impianti alla rete elettrica entro maggio. Tra soli tre mesi. Poi si vedrà. «Peccato che tra i major obstacles that we encounter in Italy, there is just the connection to the network, "says Andreas Lutz, the German company that manufactures small parks SolConTec photovoltaic maximum 1MW.

Just what until recently were financed by banks, as the great facilities on land usually we think of the investment funds, especially from abroad. "In Italy the time is running out even for small projects and it takes 10 months just to have the start of connection by Terna," Lutz complaint. Easy to understand the concern of banks and entrepreneurs who currently have renewable parks under construction. Now completely blocked. To submit changes to the government shared ieri si sono riunite le associazioni di categoria delle rinnovabili (Aper, Asso Energie Future, Assosolare, Ises e Gifi) e quelle ambientaliste (Greenpeace, Legambiente, Wwf, Fondazione Sviluppo Sostenibile e Kyoto Club) che hanno indetto per oggi una manifestazione nazionale a Roma, al teatro Quirino. Lo scopo è di «portare a conoscenza dell’opinione pubblica e delle istituzioni i danni che il decreto produrrà su un comparto produttivo finora in forte crescita», spiegano. Tra le richieste, l’immediato avvio del tavolo tecnico con i ministeri, per posticipare al 31 dicembre 2011 la data fissata al 31 maggio per l’allacciamento degli impianti alla rete e per definire il nuovo sistema di incentivi, ma anche la rimozione the annual maximum amount to be subsidized. "The bill is blatantly unconstitutional," Stop attacking Luca, administrator and manager Ray Energy producers Assosolare. Even

Force South, the movement's political secretary to the Prime Minister Gianfranco Micchichè, Berlusconi yesterday was categorical: "Either change the decree, or the government falls and we go to vote now, 'he cut short the Sicilian deputy, threatening use the method tested by the League. Southern Force had requested changes to the text, on the evening before the arrival of the Order in Council of Ministers, would otherwise have missed their support for the municipal federalism. The day after the measure however, was approved at Palazzo Chigi without accepting the findings of the group that supports the executive, approved in Federalism. Future of freedom and also has not taken it well. "It should be noted that incentives are a burden on household bills, but amounted to just 60 cents - said Aldo Di Biagio, Fli leader in the House Environment Committee -. It is clear that behind the marketing campaign will satisfy both the potentates of the usual suspects, ranging from oil to nuclear power. " The impression is that the Minister for the Romans, who so far had dealt only with telecommunications, in his first test at the helm of Economic Development has warned the scope of this law. Which triggered the revolt of environmentalists, businesses, trade associations, banks and pieces of the same majority. The only one that still seems to play on two tables is that for Confindustria time calls for a plan on energy efficiency in industries, but would be funded by the component A3 of the bill today that provides incentives for renewables. The sun

RENEWABLE against the government. The banks write to ministers, Forza South threatens to bring down the government, associations requesting changes. Today in Rome demonstration of clean energy companies to "let everyone know about the damage that the decree will have on a growing industry so far» Published Home in


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