Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Does Angus Get Paid

Napolitano, overcome image


ROMA - Per raggiungere una parità sostanziale uomo-donna "é necessario incidere essenzialmente sulla cultura diffusa, sulla concezione del ruolo della donna, sugli squilibri persistenti e capillari nelle gender relations, an image of consumerism that reduces it from subject to subject, propitiating aggressive behavior of up to crime, "said President Giorgio Napolitano at the Quirinale celebrating the International Women's Day.

" Italian women are still far from having achieved equality in many fields, "said President Napolitano. Since 1861, he recalled making a historical survey has been done a long way, women have gradually conquered space and rights," with a strong acceleration in the last half century. However, the gender gap is also apparent from international relations, political representation, media, still in some public career, in the conduct of business and is also shown by gender in access bottlenecks in the labor market. Sufferers - said Napolitano - girls, young people looking for employment and this involves the risk that they sacrifice energy and potential. I could see meeting a few days ago at CERN in Geneva, Italian researchers who claim ".

Some achievements of women are more recent than one might think. Giorgio Napolitano at the Quirinale has made it clear in mind that even in 1961" were not acceptable as appropriate legal instruments to protect against violence, mitigating circumstances existed to honor killings, rape was considered only a crime against morality and decency. "Among the stars of women's emancipation Napolitano recalled" a girl like many others, Frank Viola in 1966 refused to grant the 'shotgun wedding' to young mobster who had kidnapped and raped. His behavior - said the head of state - helped to determine the revision of the rule and gave the word the meaning of honor that must have: self-respect, respect from others. "

Giorgio Napolitano has called men to feel "the duty to behave like good friends and supportive of women who carry on the march towards equality." Gender equality - said the president of the republic - not just women as well as the battles to give all citizens a decent life is not only the poor, and the struggles for political freedom are not exclusive to the dissidents, and those for tolerance not only affect minorities. Are and should be common causes involving everyone takes as its democratic values. "

Giorgio Napolitano concluded his address to the ceremony for the International Women's Day talking about a" necessary work of moral renewal to which the women of today, as those of yesterday, I called to make a vital contribution. "" I'm sure - he added - that the new Italian, many immigrant women who have become or will become our fellow citizens, many who work with dedication and sense of propriety, they will also play their part. "


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