Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Would A Baby Have Candida Albicans

The oil that is scary to the 'Ndrangheta

oil frightening to the 'Ndrangheta

James Zappia
is the president of the cooperative Valle del Marro-Free Earth, foster land confiscated from the' Ndrangheta.

How did the history of assets seized?
From a proposal for a Free, in 1995. The following year came the law 109 that returns the assets Mafia citizenship. Since then, 11,152 have been confiscated property, half of which have been allocated.
What assets are they? Especially
apartments and farmland, the latter are more than 1900, 1200 of which are already designed and delivered.
As we approached this reality?
I graduated recently when Don Demasi, pastor of Polistena, representative of Freedom, he proposed to make a reconnaissance of the land confiscated in the Plain of Gioia Tauro, together with the Special Commissioner of Police and the Government. Two years later came the social cooperative Valle del Marro-free land. I decided to invest in this project.
The beginnings have not been easy.
The land was abandoned for years, were choked by thorns, orange groves, olive groves by bush. The work was hard, but we managed to do it alone, without government aid. As we work to rebuild the mafiosi were busy for the destruction, cutting down trees, fire, damage to wells and irrigation systems. Before then, the confiscated property had always remained unused, or under the supervision of former owners. On our way we met fierce guard dogs, fences and gates, none of whom had undergone the chiavi.Abbiamo everything from sabotage, theft of vehicles and agricultural equipment.
To whom belonged the lands of the Valle del Marro?
groves and citrus trees belonged to the families and Piromalli Mammoliti, actors in the criminal history of the '60s and 90. We do not care who you occupy virtually the care of the earth, we prefer to look ahead to prevent the mafia to infiltrate the labor market.
As the situation now?
The intimidation continues, and burglars are welded doors, locks removed, vans out of place. The gangsters want us to feel their presence, they are a slap in the face, a real threat to the social prestige of the bosses and the system of consensus. Get off their lands and homes is not only impoverished, is first and foremost a blow to the myth of impunity.
And the locals?
Their support is essential to break the encirclement Mafia. Over the years, attitudes have changed, many people felt that the Mafia does not work right. Today our company is appreciated because it provides a regular job and promotes the area, thanks to the commercial arrangements with the Coop. Who is on our side the past has rejected any compromise with the Mafia, even the "shoot to live" in the gray area of \u200b\u200bsmall illegal. We also involved the local farmers, we want to enhance the products quality and legality of those who choose, to encourage whistle-racketeering, who respects the laws on labor, producers focusing on ethical issues in your company. Reconciling
civil commitment and quality of production is possible.
We have adopted organic farming systems, producing extra virgin olive oil, canned eggplant and peppers pesto piccanti.Il our oil was quoted by the magazine "The Italian Cuisine" as one of the best extra virgin of Calabria, including the leadership of the World 'olive oil has a reserved space.
Libera Terra brand is well known, how much space you have on the market? On extra-regional
territory we have a good network marketing, such as Coop and Fair Trade shops. On the other hand, local area distribution is extremely inadequate.
We've put a disclaimer time with the mafia?
So far we have only had disappointing experiences, but do not despair. The bags work for prisoners to be admitted to the alternative measures were not taken into account by the beneficiaries themselves.
What is missing most of your initiative?
to reclaim and restore property confiscated need financial support. But the money just is not enough, our initiative needs a broader network involving institutions and economies.

Rosalba Risaliti


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