Thursday, February 17, 2011

Killing Yourself On Restoril

Per non dimenticare

the President of the Community Park of Vesuvius - Mayor Joseph CAPASSO
; City   di   S. Sebastiano al Vesuvio (NA)                                                        
                   pc    At President of the National Park of Vesuvius
at Ottaviano (NA )

pc the mayors of the Vesuvius National Park

Subject: Urgent Notice Community Park.

The Citizens' Committee of Boscotrecase,
seen for the perpetuation of the spill is still many months of MSW landfill in the former Sari Vesuvius National Park;
considered that the was not yet feasible alternative to a real "illegal" as the protected   sede di discarica, come sottolineato più volte dalla Comunità del Parco e   come sanzionato dalla UE;
rilevato l’assenza completa di un piano certo del ciclo di rifiuti come prevedono le leggi comunitarie e, vista l’enorme discrepanza tra gli stessi comuni del Parco in tema di RD sia quantitativa che qualitativa;
nell’interesse delle popolazioni vesuviane ricadenti nell’area protetta e nell’ottica di una obbligatoria tutela ambientale e della salute pubblica

si invita

the SV to take up the proposal to convene an urgent the Assembly of the Community of Vesuvius National Park c / o the forum for the Body, in a with the Presidency and the Management the Park, involving five commonly associated with the "red zone" and allowed to landfills former Sari, in order to promote a strong common initiative aiming to plan an integrated cycle of treatment RSU of Commons that would allow the above action consortium providing stable and lasting treatment upstream as differentiated as possible to avoid falling back again in the near future, provided emergency.

Given that the area of \u200b\u200bthe Vesuvius National Park should not be provided for any hypothesis, however improvidently feared, the processing of any type of waste which, as a committee, we would oppose with all our strength, we become immediately available to support any initiative that sees the government in question contribute to a virtuous cycle of MSW from the reduction upstream from the organization of waste collection recycling and reuse, the organization of area composting in areas away from the park, make sure the chains of the various consortia to address the issue of recycling and disposal of dry residual undifferentiated fraction protocols or implementing "zero waste" as signed by some common or directing this type of waste c / o structures outside TMM region, taking into account that such a design approach that we like to call model Terzigno " will reduce the possible damage to the land and the health of our populations virtually eliminating the use of the landfill.
This proposal would immediately schedule the necessary reclamation of the territory, required by law and not yet implemented.

Waiting for a prompt response
Best regards.

                                                    City Committee Boscotrecase


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