Thursday, February 24, 2011

Should I Get A Chest Protector For Paintball?

Gioacchino Genchi destituito dalla polizia

The cop-Italy's most famous computer consultant was already suspended. Now comes the decision definitivo. E' stato lui stesso a comunicare la notizia, sul suo blog. E il popolo del Web già si mobilita

Il vicequestore Gioacchino Genchi è stato destituito dalla polizia. Così ha deciso, dopo una lunga istruttoria, il dipartimento della pubblica sicurezza. Il provvedimento, che porta la firma del capo della polizia Antonio Manganelli, è datato 15 febbraio. A Genchi non sono state perdonate alcune sue esternazioni.

"Ha continuato pervicacemente, con ostentata pertinacia (...) a porre in essere un comportamento fortemente scorretto in assoluto contrasto con i doveri che ogni appartenente all'amministrazione della polizia di Stato solennemente assume con il giuramento all'atto della nomina". So says the decision to remove him: "He made statements on the content seriously affects the prestige of state institutions and organs, thereby causing dishonor to the image and honor of the administration of belonging." In the three pages of the decision are cited two incidents: a conference in Cervignano del Friuli, 6 December 2009, and a congress in Rome, February 6, 2010.
Genchi comments on his blog, entitled "legitimate defense" ( "Berlusconi has won." Interviewed in the program "The Mosquito", broadcast on Radio 24, said: "Really now come true the dream of Berlusconi. The measure was notified me a few hours ago, but I will certainly appeal to the TAR for a decision which I believe is illegal. "Genchi calls into question the police chief:" The decision is yours, but you have to see who did make it to him. From the police chief, in fact, I recently received feedback for the final year of service, by a vote of good. "
Gioacchino Genchi has worked for years alongside magistrates in Palermo and Caltanissetta have investigated the mysteries of what ours. It 'was also consultant to dozens of prosecutors throughout Italy. After an investigation by the prosecutor of Catanzaro Luigi De Magistris has been the subject of heavy controversy, judicial and political: the same Jenkins has come under investigation, the Rome prosecutors for alleged violations of privacy. His self-defense He has entrusted to a book, written with journalist Edward Montolli: "The case of Jenkins, the story of a man at the mercy of the state". The vice
quaestor comes just dismissed the solidarity of Antonio Di Pietro: "The fault, as usual, is of those who serve the state and not of those who serve the state," says the president of Italia dei Valori, who continued: "We express solidarity with Gioacchino Genchi and we're confident in his new life will prove, once again, that the servants of the State not intimidated and they go on defending the legality and the principles inscribed in our Charter."


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