Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Can I Put On My Female Dogs Genitals

L’emergenza rifiuti in Campania

Environment & Toxic Nello Trocchia
Since then little or nothing seems to have changed. In reality the state of crisis, Berlusconi say, ended in 2009. In fact, the governor Caldoro just a few days ago, has appointed new commissioners for the new landfill to be realized.
The waste crisis in Campania 17 years. Then the government decided to Commissioners of management. The Camorra, despite promises managed the transportation and location of the land, local institutions were unable to find a solution for uscire dalla crisi, al governo arrivò, dopo Ciampi, Berlusconi con ministro dell’Interno Roberto Maroni. Un quadro sostanzialmente immutato.
Il primo commissario fu Umberto Improta fino al 1996, dopo di lui altri 9 commissari, tra politici, uomini dello stato e presunti salvatori della patria come Guido Bertolaso, che non sono riusciti a risolvere il problema. Ancora a processo per la mala-gestione gli ex vertici di Impregilo e gli uomini del commissariato, su tutti Antonio Bassolino. Per l’ex governatore, il prossimo 28 aprile nuovo processo per peculato, sotto accusa le consulenze d’oro durante il periodo di gestione commissariale.
L’emergenza, per volere del governo Berlusconi, è finita ufficialmente nel dicembre 2009, but the governor of Campania Caldoro Stefano, in these days, has appointed new commissioners for the landfill to build the incinerator and east of Naples. They are respectively vice-Vardè Annunziato and Professor Alberto Carotenuto. The first committed by the Joint Commissioner of Malnate in the province of Varese, after the early termination of the city council now comes in Campania looking for new holes. Stay on track, the possibility of locating a landfill in Nola, near Naples, an area that is characterized by respect for the percentage figures for the separate collection of standards in this area. "Every draft that comes from the province includes a hole to be carried out in our area are common despite the virtuous, if we provide a landfill for the other areas where different thing expected? We have already given two closed landfills and Stir a plant still in operation. " So Raffaele De Simone, Mayor of Roccarainola, Nola's common that differentiates the 70% of the waste with an independent management. In recent days the administration has had to deal with a raid on the means of the town, burnt a vehicle and four gasoloni stolen.
The recipe, after 17 years, is always the same: finding new reservoirs in which to pour years of mismanagement and bad smelling bags. WWF raises the collection as the only answer. "The solution to the crisis chronic waste involving Naples is represented by the collection 'door to door' that would save 40 million a year, finally leaving behind 17 years of emergency. " In 7 districts already Neapolitan is carried out door to door service with excellent results, a model also greeted positively by the public, as evidenced by the study conducted by a team of professors and researchers from the Department of Sociology, University Federico II of Naples on a sample of 1,341 citizens of Naples.
While still running the incinerator, composting facilities in the region are lacking to address the wet portion, with an average spend around 100 euro ton to bring the number of staff varies in other regions of Italy. Lack the real implementation of European directives that require reduction and recycling as a priority. Meanwhile, after the approval of milleproroghe, the Campania region will increase the taxes paid by citizens. The regions in which it was declared a state of emergency, may decide to increase the taxes, and the additional regional tax on petrol. For the region will increase the excise additional electricity to meet the emergency waste. A new blow for the citizens. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party denounced the step as from March 1, the collection of Tarsu by municipalities to the provinces of Campania. "It 'a very serious decision - the second parent to the Senate Anna Finocchiaro - contained in milleproroghe that not only deprive municipalities of their constitutional prerogative, but in the absence of rules, opens a gate further the activities of organized crime."


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