Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lettering In Community Service


Martedì 22 Febbraio abbiamo incontrato a scuola il Dott. Breschi della Confcooperative di Lucca. E' stato un incontro molto lungo (a tratti un pò complicato per noi ragazzi) ma i consiglieri del C.d.A. ce l'hanno fatta!!!!Si sono comportati in maniera impeccabile!!!Risultato della revisione:siamo stati promossi a pieni voti nella parte operativa e rimandati a Settembre in quella formale! Vi chiederete: ma cosa si intende per formale? Nella gestione di una cooperativa oltre gli aspetti organizzativi e operativi, è necessario tenere aggiornati una serie di documenti: verbali c.d.a. e assemblea dei soci, regolamento interno, statuto, atto costitutivo, etc....
Il giorno successivo ne abbiamo parlato con le nostre tutor che ci hanno raised the moral: Do not we had some good words of Dr. Breschi, we thought we had done a bad job and given the commitment that the cashiers, secretaries, vice president and president, in short, all the directors, we had put us a little depressed! ! In fact, whereas the time we devote to teencoop is entirely absorbed by the organization of activities, we have omitted some actual red tape. As we pointed out to Dr. Breschi time that we employ in teen boys coop (and sometimes school, outside school hours) is much because first of all for us there and there must be the school !!!!! So very often we had to make choices and to overshadow some administrative aspects so that we could achieve the educational and social goals we have set ourselves. With this, as we said Dr. Breschi, in true cooperative, it is important at the same level! And we fully agree with his words and we will certainly treasure when from "great" we will have our business ... but for now we continue to "work" as we did, making it even more attention to the formal, but reminding us that we are a simulation of a cooperative and as such we can make some mistakes!!


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