Thursday, March 10, 2011

Shoulder Pain Numb Fingers

Incinerators, the truth hidden from the daily act of Ascanio Vitale

Incinerators, the hidden truths

Antoine Lavoisier was 46 years old when, in 1789, he published his Traité de Elémentaire Chimie (Elementary Treatise of Chemistry). A treaty that opened the doors of modern chemistry and holds one of the most important laws on which it based research: the law of conservation of mass. Some of you may remember her from the studies of high school, maybe others will have heard in some scientific transmission; at Palazzo Chigi in Lavoisier not seem to have never heard about.
long our politicians speak of "energy plants", a term that does not exist in both the technical jargon in the same language is Italian, who had taken by force of circumstances, there being a public debate in Italy between the different opinions in the game. Even in these days, while hardly trying to bring the situation back to normal Naples, the buffalo is revived as a solution. Incinerators - let's call them by their real name - follow the same laws of chemistry of all other processes in nature, reducing the volume of waste for combustion entered a modified chemical composition, but not the mass. Nothing is created nor destroyed, but everything changes.
inauguration of Acerra incinerator, Mr Berlusconi called him "a gift of God", an innovative technology adopted from around Italy that "the polluter as two mid-sized car placed at 110 meters high. "
The truth, as often happens with respect to the statements of our politicians, is quite another. The Acerra plant is far from a wonder of technology: the energy produced, only one quarter is used to produce electricity. The excess heat could be recovered for district heating, is disposed in the air and water, further contributing to lower production efficiency, unlike the statements by some politicians. The electricity produced very little, partly absorbed by the plant for its operation, is encouraged beyond measure with funds from the Cip6, for the paper on renewable energy sources, whose 92% - more than 2.5 billion € per year - is instead done to enrich the companies that built incinerators.
At a low energy efficiency is added to the extreme danger of waste products. In the Acerra plant should only be processed 81.21 tons of solid waste per hour, which have been deleted (unless you dispose of the same ecoballe Fibe, plant construction company, has produced for years illegally) the so-called " wet fraction ". In essence, the calorific value that allows the partial recovery of energy is mainly based on materiali come plastica, legno e carta, ampiamente riciclabili e dalle quali si potrebbe risparmiare fino a 7 volte l’energia impiegata per produrne di nuove e allo stesso tempo dare un serio apporto all’occupazione, visto l’indotto che si crea intorno alla filiera del riciclaggio.
Tuttavia, non si tratta unicamente di un problema energetico. In uscita dall’impianto, tra scorie provenienti dalla camera di combustione e dalle ceneri ottenute dal trattamento dei fumi, escono circa 21 tonnellate di rifiuti speciali, il cui smaltimento resta un compito difficile, generalmente affidato ad impianti di stoccaggio dedicati. Il problema di eliminare le discariche, quindi, è solo ridotto al costo di un aumento della tossicità del waste to be stored.
The hundreds of different materials that are combusted in the plant include heavy metals and chlorine - to name a few - which inevitably emerges from the chimney, often by binding chemically away from monitoring stations to create toxic compounds in humans and bioaccumulative (eg . dioxins) or reduced in size so small as to deceive the sensors provided by law (nanopowders), but enough to overcome our ematocerebrale barrier and cause an increased incidence of diseases oncogene.
It is about 65 tons per hour, should be added reagents placed in treatment, to about 80 tons per hour of various compounds nature emitted into the atmosphere, which then fall on the ground of an area estimated at several hundred square kilometers. Despite the certainty of science, the strategy to address the issue of waste in Italy is always the same: the pivotal role assigned to the incinerators of the solution, open some new landfill with the excuse of emergency declarations and empty trumpeting the importance of collecting differentiated within the loop.
is a pity that the Italian law - in particular the Decree Law 152/06 and 296/06 - and the European directives to the contrary, requiring a recycling quota of 60% this year. To date, however, only 25 provinces can exceed the quota of 40%. Campania and Lazio are the tail lights between the regions, with just over 10% and does not enjoy the best locations in Sicily: Palermo and Messina did not reach the 5%, saturating landfills should be designed to accept only a small percentage. San Francisco, where the population gathers to Naples and Rome put together, has recently exceeded 75% of the collection, doubling the share in a few months by collecting door to door.
But recycling is the enemy of the incinerators, because it deprives them of their raw material, such as heat, depleting the urban waste and making it inconvenient energy recovery, even in the presence of funds Cip6. The statements of politicians praising a journey that required use both, starting with the construction of incineration plants, shows a clear ignorance of simple principles of physics and chemistry, or worse, bad faith in the planning of waste management.
Italy persists in adopting technologies obsolete and unsustainable, which perfectly reflect the character at the end of its ruling class. Absence of long-term planning, widespread ignorance and corruption may be the true waste to be disposed sit in Parliament

Sonicare Versus Rotadent?

Draft Dioxin and expansion slot Sari, Terzigno

Read the site
Last February 28 ended on - Draft Dioxin - .
The project would involve all of the single province of Naples Landfill: landfill to survey and monitor.
were involved 33 municipalities in the province of Naples when it counts 92.

Afragola 6 landfills, two landfills Arzano; Caivano two landfills, landfills Casandrino 6; Casoria four landfills, two landfills Crispano; Frattamaggiore 3 landfills, 45 landfills Giugliano; Lump Nevano a landfill, landfill Marano 2, Melito a landfill, a landfill Mugnano ; Nola 3 landfills, landfills Pozzuoli 3, 4 Quagliano landfills, 13 landfills Quarter; Villaricca a landfill.
For a total of 99 landfills.

without neither sites which have and continue to turn on the minds of all citizens outraged by so much indifference and arrogance: Terzigno, with its 5 slots and Chiaiano, Plain with its mysteries, Bagnoli with its poisons to dispose of, St. Joseph Vesuvius Tufino. Jump and ignored by Dioxin Project 2010/2011, not only by the institutions and the public prosecutors.

Detections - incomplete - that emerge from the project say a lot on environmental policy, national and local level, implemented in recent decades of bad habits and lack of honesty, ethics, moral, social, and political.

The project has revealed the presence of: asbestos in 16 of these landfills, 40 landfills in tires, tires and asbestos in 21 landfill sites in every other kind of waste, urban and industrial.

The project was presented last December at the Prefecture of Naples, with the presence of agriculture Amendola, the prefect De Martino, Monaco to Caserta, the general of the State Forestry Fuschetti, safety committee members.

The project ended on February 28, 2011, under the guidance dell'Arpac. We officially

all'Arpac concerned because Terzigno, Chiaiano Tufino and other common Neapolitans were ignored and not taken into account by the project, the answer is not enough, obvious, that the project involved and interested in the mere presence of dioxin: the Campania region is enveloped in a cloud pungent, perennial dioxin.

Meanwhile Sapna, System Environment Province of Naples spa, made by Luigi Cesaro President of the Province of Naples, perhaps tired of hearing give his company - eating bandwagon public money - from Sodano, was put to work. The company is the sole shareholder, this company is subject to coordination and control of the provincial of Naples, namely, the company is liable only to Luigi Cesaro of its operation, with the man who set it up. On February 25, 2011, the Sapna, fax 26 pages having as: Reclamation and new storage in the Quarry Sari, Terzigno. Attached also send a technical assessment carried out by Tuscan company, Biochem Lab addresses to which it addresses are: Environment Minister, Prime Ministers, Campania Region and to himself, that is, the Province of Naples, City of Terzigno, Arpac, Asl Nap 3 (commissioner ), Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio. The dossier sent

explained, recipients, arrangements made for evacuation and storage of new bales in 2003. The Sapna quarries Terzigno inherited from the previous commissioners in an eternal continuity of function goes hand and savage and indiscriminate environmental abuse, legal, human. Have always operated with complete independence and autonomy of the preparation and storage and transfer in the quarries 1,2,3,4,5, Terzigno.

As we said surveys he carried out the technical BioChemielab; the task concerned the former cdr bales, partially burnt and other waste, mixed, produced by the mechanical treatment of waste other. So many words to say he looked rotten bales.

The analysis is started, as shown in the official report, February 2 and ended on the 14th of that month. Here are some test results reported by the same BioChemielab remembering that the results are based on a sample and not on the entire affected area:

Aluminium mg \\ kg 17.2: In case of prolonged contact, the aluminum dust effects negative effects on the lungs. Aluminum is toxic to the CNS such as heavy metals in cases in which the body is unable to deport him, for example in cases of serious kidney disease. Some clinical studies suggest that the correlation between chronic intake of aluminum and the development of severe neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, multiple sclerosis, dementia.

Antimony mg \\ kg 17.2: Antimony and many of its compounds are toxic. Clinically, antimony poisoning is very similar to arsenic. In small doses cause headaches, confusion and depression at higher doses cause violent and frequent bouts of vomiting and leads to death within a few days.

Cadmium mg \\ kg 1.4: The cadmium plays no biological role in the human body. Both it and its compounds are toxic even at low concentrations and tend to accumulate in organisms and ecosystems.

Chromium and Chromium VI mg \\ kg 92, from 9 to 0.5: Chromium (VI) is known to cause various health effects. Following inhalation may cause irritation and nose bleeds.

Other health problems that are caused by chromium (VI) are: skin rashes, stomach problems and ulcers, respiratory problems, weakening of the immune system, liver and lung damage, alteration of genetic material Lung cancer.

Mercury mg \\ kg 0.1: Mercury is highly toxic, the introduction into the body can be done either by ingestion, or inhalation of vapors, either directly by contact (can pass through the skin). As for elemental mercury (liquid metal), the increased risk of acute poisoning is related to vapor, as the skin absorption is negligible, as is also the gut. Discourse rather than for the salts of mercury, easily accumulating through the food chain.

Nickel mg \\ kg 18.9: Exposure to nickel metal and its soluble salts should not exceed 0.05 mg/cm3 for 40 hours a week, smoke and dust of sulfide nickel are considered to be carcinogenic, and many others nickel compounds are suspected carcinogens.

Lead mg \\ kg 104.6: The compounds are toxic by inhalation and if swallowed (called lead poisoning is the poisoning) Lead is a poisonous metal that can damage the nervous system (especially in children) and cause diseases of the brain and blood. Exposure to lead or its salts, especially the soluble, or oxide PbO2, can cause kidney disease, characterized by the sclerotherapy of renal tissue, and abdominal colic.

Thallium mg \\ kg 0.8: Thallium and its compounds are highly toxic, should therefore be handled with extreme care. The effects of thallium poisoning include hair loss and damage to peripheral nerves. Thallium is also un sospetto cancerogeno. Proprio a causa della sua tossicità, l'uso di sali di tallio come topicida è stato bandito in molte nazioni.

Vanadio mg\kg 78,7: Il vanadio in polvere è infiammabile e tutti i suoi composti sono considerati altamente tossici, causa di cancro alle vie respiratorie quando vengono inalati.

Benzene mg\kg 0,1: A causa del suo uso nell'industria della gomma, della plastica, delle vernici e petrolchimica, il benzene rappresenta un contaminante ambientale molto diffuso. La sua inalazione cronica negli umani si associa inizialmente a discrasia ematologica, che può degenerare nel corso degli anni in anemia aplastica e leucemia mieloide acuta.

Benzo(a)pirene mg\kg 0,01: It is one of the first substances that have been found to be carcinogenic.

Benzo (e) pyrene mg \\ kg 0.01: They have carcinogenic and are used in the study of tumors. The benzopyrenes are among the products of combustion of mixed waste and production of carbon.

BioChemialab read from the document prepared by: calculating the sums of the different hazard classes.








IRRITANTE R 36,37,38,67

MG\KG 968


NOCIVO R 20,21,22

MG\KG 1200



R 26,27,28,32,39,

MG\KG 164






MG\KG 6.4



MG\KG 590



MG\KG 105






MG\KG 133

Giudizio finale dell'azienda che ha svolto queste analisi su un campione di rifiuti prelevati da Terzigno: - in base ai parametri analizzati alle informazioni merceologiche fornite dal cliente ( Sapna ) ed ai sensi delle decisioni 532\2000\CE and the legislative decree 36 \\ 03 and art. 6 of DM 27 \\ 09 \\ and 10 CAN 'BE PERMITTED IN LANDFILL non-hazardous waste, under tab 5 of the DM 186 \\ 2006 and can' be passed ADMITTED TO SIMPLIFY PROCEDURES FOR RECOVERY. Signed in charge of the laboratory BioChemielab, dr. Simonetta Gallenni.

Terzigno One of the quarries has been used as an exclusive site for temporary storage of waste output from the processing plant ex cdr, delivered during the year 2003 by FIBE and Fisia Italimpianti. 1000 tonnes of bales of 8 years old and who occupy an area equal to 700mq covered with soil. These bales are transferred from one quarry to another within a few meters between them and always within the Vesuvius National Park. Questo travaso per permettere i lavori di ampliamento della cava attualmente utilizzata, diventata ormai, da cono capovolto, a monte infestato. Intanto i vesuviani continuano a pernottare all'aperto, alla Rotonda, continuano a chiedere una bonifica che, senza l'intercessione della Giustizia, difficilmente ci sarà. Da notare che i tecnici della BioChemiolab sono entrati nella cava, a prelevare dei campioni, in completa tuta bianca ermetica e respiratore. Noi che viviamo a 200 metri in linea d'aria con tale cava, viviamo e respiriamo senza alcuna protezione.

R.E.B.A Registro Europeo Bombe Ambientali

Morphin Power Rangersclipart


Alessandro De Pascale

RENEWABLE. The banks write to ministers, Forza South threatens to bring down the government, associations requesting changes. Today in Rome demonstration of clean energy companies to "let everyone know about the damage that the decree will have on a growing industry so far." Bonelli of the Green: "The principal is the administrator of this killeraggio Conti of Enel"

Prestigiacomo on the tables of the Minister of Environment and Economic Development to the Romans, at this time seems to have received a letter from the Bank, in stop reporting the funding for renewables, fearing a possibile blocco anche di quelli per le infrastrutture. «Il settore delle energie rinnovabili - spiegò a fine gennaio Giuseppe Mussari, presidente dell’Associazione Bancaria Italiana (Abi) - è fortemente dipendente dalle sovvenzioni pubbliche. I conti economici di queste imprese, privati senza gradualità delle provvidenze statali, non reggerebbero». Così, da quando è stato approvato il nuovo decreto, gli istituti di credito hanno sospeso tutti i finanziamenti al settore, visto che ormai non hanno più incentivi sicuri . I contributi alle rinnovabili sono ormai garantiti soltanto a chi allaccerà i nuovi impianti alla rete elettrica entro maggio. Tra soli tre mesi. Poi si vedrà. «Peccato che tra i major obstacles that we encounter in Italy, there is just the connection to the network, "says Andreas Lutz, the German company that manufactures small parks SolConTec photovoltaic maximum 1MW.

Just what until recently were financed by banks, as the great facilities on land usually we think of the investment funds, especially from abroad. "In Italy the time is running out even for small projects and it takes 10 months just to have the start of connection by Terna," Lutz complaint. Easy to understand the concern of banks and entrepreneurs who currently have renewable parks under construction. Now completely blocked. To submit changes to the government shared ieri si sono riunite le associazioni di categoria delle rinnovabili (Aper, Asso Energie Future, Assosolare, Ises e Gifi) e quelle ambientaliste (Greenpeace, Legambiente, Wwf, Fondazione Sviluppo Sostenibile e Kyoto Club) che hanno indetto per oggi una manifestazione nazionale a Roma, al teatro Quirino. Lo scopo è di «portare a conoscenza dell’opinione pubblica e delle istituzioni i danni che il decreto produrrà su un comparto produttivo finora in forte crescita», spiegano. Tra le richieste, l’immediato avvio del tavolo tecnico con i ministeri, per posticipare al 31 dicembre 2011 la data fissata al 31 maggio per l’allacciamento degli impianti alla rete e per definire il nuovo sistema di incentivi, ma anche la rimozione the annual maximum amount to be subsidized. "The bill is blatantly unconstitutional," Stop attacking Luca, administrator and manager Ray Energy producers Assosolare. Even

Force South, the movement's political secretary to the Prime Minister Gianfranco Micchichè, Berlusconi yesterday was categorical: "Either change the decree, or the government falls and we go to vote now, 'he cut short the Sicilian deputy, threatening use the method tested by the League. Southern Force had requested changes to the text, on the evening before the arrival of the Order in Council of Ministers, would otherwise have missed their support for the municipal federalism. The day after the measure however, was approved at Palazzo Chigi without accepting the findings of the group that supports the executive, approved in Federalism. Future of freedom and also has not taken it well. "It should be noted that incentives are a burden on household bills, but amounted to just 60 cents - said Aldo Di Biagio, Fli leader in the House Environment Committee -. It is clear that behind the marketing campaign will satisfy both the potentates of the usual suspects, ranging from oil to nuclear power. " The impression is that the Minister for the Romans, who so far had dealt only with telecommunications, in his first test at the helm of Economic Development has warned the scope of this law. Which triggered the revolt of environmentalists, businesses, trade associations, banks and pieces of the same majority. The only one that still seems to play on two tables is that for Confindustria time calls for a plan on energy efficiency in industries, but would be funded by the component A3 of the bill today that provides incentives for renewables. The sun

RENEWABLE against the government. The banks write to ministers, Forza South threatens to bring down the government, associations requesting changes. Today in Rome demonstration of clean energy companies to "let everyone know about the damage that the decree will have on a growing industry so far» Published Home in

Midnight Hot Ftv Show



The Mayor announced that in accordance with national and regional legislation in force, an ordinance was adopted concerning "Circulation dogs and hygiene of public land"

Read the manifesto