Monday, February 28, 2011

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Sunday, March 6 at Ghedi LUNCH anti-fascist People with ALESSIO ALLOY

Sunday, March 6, 2011 ore 12.oo lunch to support the activities of the low coordination of Brescia.
E 'need to book.
Come along!

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Landfills and still asks discariche.Cesaro Caldoro of intervenire con i poteri commissariali

28 February 2011

Cesar: "In these conditions could not open landfills in the province"
Landfills are impossible to do because 97 percent of the province of Naples is under constraint. " So the president of the Province of Naples, Luigi Cesaro, in the note addressed to the Secretary to the Prime Minister Gianni Letta, the Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo, the Head of Civil Protection Franco Gabrielli, the prefect of Naples, Andrea De Martino, President Region to the Regional Environment and Stefano Caldoro John Romano. "Seven air field for the landfills have been identified," recalls Cesaro, but could intervene only "if you grant the exemptions."

Exceptions to the president of the Piazza Matteotti Caldoro calls to the governor. Despite belonging to the same party, it is not obvious the agreement between the two on the issue. In addition there is to placate the opposition. Just the parent to the Province of the largest minority party, Giuseppe Capasso, spoke on the issue: "The first thing to clarify - Capasso notes - is that what comes from Stir is a rejection that can only be disposed of in landfills, other than compost. At present the delegation with Cesaro waste has raised taxes and brought up the advice of Sana. " Then a lunge on waivers: "Another trial of President Cesaro - continues the Democrats - to confirm the provincialization waste, pledging to seek arrangements with the mayors unlikely to build new landfills. It is worth noting that already six months ago the Democratic Party promoted a request for de-provincialization waste, just based on observations taken by the President Cesaro this popular note. In conclusion, we argued strongly against any action derogatory constraints and confirm the need for a regional framework to address the issue of waste. " Returning to the note, it states that exist in less than 16 constraints on the areas identified to the reservoirs. They range from the landslide risk to the volcano through 'the buildings that have substantial natural beauty of character. " "In light of the so far identified, given the need - or Cesaro who writes for it - to allocate the landfills in the province to help ensure a proper and viable waste cycle, it is more vital than ever that may be derogatory action emanate in the legitimate exercise of its legislative functions by the President of the Campania Region for the construction of landfills for non-hazardous waste. "

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BOSCOTRECASE: Comitati riuniti

February 28, 2011 Antonio Tortora

Si è discusso sul documento «Cittadini per il Parco»

Documento che sarà protagonista alla Convention degli Stati generali per il Parco, che si terrà il 2 aprile al MAV di Ercolano
“Solo costruendo una mobilitazione di centinaia e migliaia di persone a sostegno di un modello di sviluppo alternativo, sarà possibile condizionare i decisori politici ad agire in maniera coerente e consequenziale al raggiungimento di questi obiettivi”.

Questo il messaggio dei vari comitati riuniti a Boscotrecase. Si è svolta, infatti, nel paese vesuviano una discussione sul documento “Cittadini per il parco”, che sarà protagonista alla Convention degli Stati generali de-ll’Associazionismo per il Parco, che si terrà il 2 Aprile al MAV (Museo Archeologico Virtuale) di Ercolano. All’incontro hanno partecipato tutte le Associazioni, i Comitati e i Movimenti di Boscoreale, Boscotrecase, Trecase, Torre Annunziata, oltre che una minoranza pompeiana. Tema pregnante della discussione è stata la situazione generale odierna dell’ambiente vesuviano, considerazione essenziale al fine di programmare iniziative tese allo sviluppo dell’intero hinterland.
Nell’ambito della discussione, è stato messa in evidenza, da più parti, la priorità della lotta per la chiusura di cava Sari, nonché, more generally, the urgent need for remediation of the entire National Park.
In the opinion of the participants, in addition to those operations, will have a key role in defending the territory of public awareness and, correspondingly, the exercise of real political pressure on municipalities. The main objective of these proposals would be to realize, finally, in all the towns in the Park, a virtuous cycle for solid waste (MSW), starting from the continuous reduction of their production and in meeting all those " good practice, the implementation of which lead to the elimination of any landfill. From the proceedings of the meeting, it was found, again, that the story of landfills, namely the fact that the State has decided to open quarry Sari and thought to do the same quarry Vitiello, both the actual testimony of what is expressed in the document "Citizens for park. "
Between the lines of the latter, in fact, the emphasis was placed on how the so-called "development model of Vesuvius" (based on illegal quarries, landfills, Camorra, aggression to the territory and environment), has gone into crisis after have consumed all that was possible. Sari
Cava Vitiello and quarry are, therefore, the logical conclusion of that "model".
to all this, However, the committee responded by proposing an alternative model. The hinges of the same, besides being, of course, legality and respect of norms and rules, would be the promotion of agriculture, cultural heritage, sustainable tourism and the preservation of biodiversity environmental elements to be fundamental to the creation of employment opportunities, to give a future to the younger generations, and simultaneously believe in sustainable development.
The "Citizens for the park" will continue until the next meeting of the Greek Tower, scheduled for early March, a fundamental step in view of the "Convention" of April 2. In
that forum, will organize a coordinated, designed to operate for the future in the implementation of awareness activities.

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Storia di una discarica "SARI"

The protest mob
Look what a beautiful movie

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why Valerian Cause Nitemare

Incontro con S.A.P. NA ed Asia

From technical geologist dr. Maureen Cirillo who took part in the Citizens' Committee sought and obtained from the Boscotrecase Network Committees receive and publish Vesuvius, pending the report of the official delegation that will post as soon as follows:

This morning I was in the seat of Sapna. current operator of the landfill as well as direct responsibility for design and construction.
Si è trattato dell'incontro che ha concluso il ciclo di commissioni tecniche, visite in discarica e tanti altri passaggi in cui mi sono offerto come tecnico.
Abbiamo spesso parlato delle perplessità sulla realizzazione della discarica e sulla assoluta inconciliabilità with the high volcanic risk. In the terse statement released this morning by the meeting in an official capacity to finally see what I have preached two years .... and that so far died in unnecessary comedies with local politicians and media figures. THE BEAUTIFUL ARE STRESSED!
The importance of this admission is no small thing when you consider how it can also be an important input for future battles and the urgent need for reclamation.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the town of Boscotrecase ..... None by Terzigno and BOSCOREALE ... I repeat what was in the first and only true major technical meeting ... another that flattery political appointments unnecessary and improbable ambition for knowledge!

Having said that I update you on some news:

-The landfill will be exhausted in a short amount of time estimated at a maximum of 8 months;

-way extensions are not in place, the earth movements glimpsed these days are due all'utlizzo inventory of land that were packed in the north;

-It 's been done to characterize the eco-bales piled by the mid-90' site Pozzelle, if they are in compliance will be transported to landfill (which I think would be a very positive) otherwise disposed of will not know how.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Incontro con la S.A.P. NA

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Suicide Hotline I Can Text

Quì di seguito la convocazione della S.A.P.NA e le richieste del comitato

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Le richieste

Today we can give two good news.

The first is that in his meeting with Attorney Nola two weeks ago has led to the convening of the technical panel on March 8 between the PM Mink and experts in support of the Court who have been invited to participate, and official made, even the technical committees of the Network Vesuvius had indicated months ago at the invitation of Attorney Mancuso.
The insistence of the Committees and the right reasons and the pool of lawyers have meant to convince the PM to investigate the destruction of landfills Vesuvius that we could not do without providing and monitoring committees. Now we await the
technical labor pool.

The other news relating to inspection of the landfill SARI made by former City Council Boscotrecase who had been invited the Committee to Boscotrecase citizen who had made use of technical committees appointed by the Network of Vesuvius.

The committee made a number of requests to support the inspection to verify what was said verbally by Sapna technical and Asia.

Saturday arrived citizen to the Committee's invitation to attend the meeting in the province to access the requested data.


This morning at 10.00, the City Council of Boscotrecase went for a visit to the landfill Cava Pozzelle Sari village in the municipality of Terzigno.

E 'was also invited the Committee to Boscotrecase citizen who attended with President Vincent Izzo, the geologist and the engineer Maurizio Cyril Imma Oril.

The component of the Committees has revived the old demands to Sapna ASIA and the management of the landfill.

These requests of the Committee:

City Committee Boscotrecase

Via Umberto I, 131. Boscotrecase (Na)

CA City Mayor Boscotrecase

PC City Terzigno (NA) Via Gionti, 16,
Councillor Reg Campania: John Romano
at Via De Gasperi, 28 - 80134 Naples,

ARPA Campania
Via Santa Vicinale Maria Wailing

Conference Centre, Tower 1 80143 Naples, Naples Province
Piazza Matteotti - 80133 Napoli
Councillor Giuseppe Caliendo,

Company Services Environmental Health.
Headquarters: 80147 Napoli - Via Volpato, 315,

Headquarters in Piazza Matteotti, 1
80133 Napoli c / o Palazzo della Provincia,

Headquarters: Corso Alcide De Gasperi, 167
80053 Castellammare di Stabia (Na).

Subject: Technical requirements of the European citizen Boscotrecase and technicians with which the director collaborated on the occasion of the visit to the landfill SARI Terzigno

31/01/2011 - Ability to access documentation that describes the actual capacity SARI of the reservoir, the quantity of spilled material and the residual capacity of the same and the estimated time for closing the plant.

- Ability to view logs of contribution during the life of the landfill complex SARI, in particular attention to the nature of reference materials from the landfill site remediation LoUttaro (Ce).

- For access to documentation on the design of the landfill, in particular have used data on the geomembrane, and testing them as the same will ensure a perfect seal. Also to have data concerning the geological barriers used.

- Ability to access documentation or to receive an official response on the options provided to secure the landfill in the case of volcanic event.

Boscotrecase them

31.01.2011 Il presidente                                                                                             Comm. Tecnica

Lettering In Community Service


Martedì 22 Febbraio abbiamo incontrato a scuola il Dott. Breschi della Confcooperative di Lucca. E' stato un incontro molto lungo (a tratti un pò complicato per noi ragazzi) ma i consiglieri del C.d.A. ce l'hanno fatta!!!!Si sono comportati in maniera impeccabile!!!Risultato della revisione:siamo stati promossi a pieni voti nella parte operativa e rimandati a Settembre in quella formale! Vi chiederete: ma cosa si intende per formale? Nella gestione di una cooperativa oltre gli aspetti organizzativi e operativi, è necessario tenere aggiornati una serie di documenti: verbali c.d.a. e assemblea dei soci, regolamento interno, statuto, atto costitutivo, etc....
Il giorno successivo ne abbiamo parlato con le nostre tutor che ci hanno raised the moral: Do not we had some good words of Dr. Breschi, we thought we had done a bad job and given the commitment that the cashiers, secretaries, vice president and president, in short, all the directors, we had put us a little depressed! ! In fact, whereas the time we devote to teencoop is entirely absorbed by the organization of activities, we have omitted some actual red tape. As we pointed out to Dr. Breschi time that we employ in teen boys coop (and sometimes school, outside school hours) is much because first of all for us there and there must be the school !!!!! So very often we had to make choices and to overshadow some administrative aspects so that we could achieve the educational and social goals we have set ourselves. With this, as we said Dr. Breschi, in true cooperative, it is important at the same level! And we fully agree with his words and we will certainly treasure when from "great" we will have our business ... but for now we continue to "work" as we did, making it even more attention to the formal, but reminding us that we are a simulation of a cooperative and as such we can make some mistakes!!

Hearing Test By Telephone



Dalle discariche, inceneritori VERSO rifiuti “o” zero

• Un’ emergenza rifiuti voluta e continua;

• Territori devastati e senza sviluppo;

• Salute e Qualità della vita minacciate;

• Ecosistema distrutto;

• Illegalità diffusa e Legalità inesistente;






TONINO SCALE (Regional Left Ecology and Freedom);



ANNA SORRENTINO (environmental Naturopath);

Tommaso Sodano (author of the book "La Peste").


FULVIA BANDOL (National Environment (Left Ecology and Freedom);

parties, associations and citizens all are invited to participate.


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Gioacchino Genchi destituito dalla polizia

The cop-Italy's most famous computer consultant was already suspended. Now comes the decision definitivo. E' stato lui stesso a comunicare la notizia, sul suo blog. E il popolo del Web già si mobilita

Il vicequestore Gioacchino Genchi è stato destituito dalla polizia. Così ha deciso, dopo una lunga istruttoria, il dipartimento della pubblica sicurezza. Il provvedimento, che porta la firma del capo della polizia Antonio Manganelli, è datato 15 febbraio. A Genchi non sono state perdonate alcune sue esternazioni.

"Ha continuato pervicacemente, con ostentata pertinacia (...) a porre in essere un comportamento fortemente scorretto in assoluto contrasto con i doveri che ogni appartenente all'amministrazione della polizia di Stato solennemente assume con il giuramento all'atto della nomina". So says the decision to remove him: "He made statements on the content seriously affects the prestige of state institutions and organs, thereby causing dishonor to the image and honor of the administration of belonging." In the three pages of the decision are cited two incidents: a conference in Cervignano del Friuli, 6 December 2009, and a congress in Rome, February 6, 2010.
Genchi comments on his blog, entitled "legitimate defense" ( "Berlusconi has won." Interviewed in the program "The Mosquito", broadcast on Radio 24, said: "Really now come true the dream of Berlusconi. The measure was notified me a few hours ago, but I will certainly appeal to the TAR for a decision which I believe is illegal. "Genchi calls into question the police chief:" The decision is yours, but you have to see who did make it to him. From the police chief, in fact, I recently received feedback for the final year of service, by a vote of good. "
Gioacchino Genchi has worked for years alongside magistrates in Palermo and Caltanissetta have investigated the mysteries of what ours. It 'was also consultant to dozens of prosecutors throughout Italy. After an investigation by the prosecutor of Catanzaro Luigi De Magistris has been the subject of heavy controversy, judicial and political: the same Jenkins has come under investigation, the Rome prosecutors for alleged violations of privacy. His self-defense He has entrusted to a book, written with journalist Edward Montolli: "The case of Jenkins, the story of a man at the mercy of the state". The vice
quaestor comes just dismissed the solidarity of Antonio Di Pietro: "The fault, as usual, is of those who serve the state and not of those who serve the state," says the president of Italia dei Valori, who continued: "We express solidarity with Gioacchino Genchi and we're confident in his new life will prove, once again, that the servants of the State not intimidated and they go on defending the legality and the principles inscribed in our Charter."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Search For Stolen Snowboards

Scandalo rifiuti Campania. Prof. Ortolani: Altre discariche come Chiaiano. La Campania verso la distruzione

Other dumps like Chiaiano? Campania toward self-destruction. (Geologist prof. Franco Ortolani)

The scandal of waste ordinances "strange" alien laws as the last (January 24, 2011, No. 1 "into law, with amendments, Decree-Law of 26 November 2010 No. 196, containing provisions relating to the takeover of local government activities in the Campania region 'management of the integrated cycle of waste "of apparent incompetence and far-sighted but will not solve the crisis deepens more and more). We are the usual: the garbage is piling up dangerously in the streets again as we approach the summer season. Deepens the crisis for which to remove the 'Continue reading trash

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Can I Put On My Female Dogs Genitals

L’emergenza rifiuti in Campania

Environment & Toxic Nello Trocchia
Since then little or nothing seems to have changed. In reality the state of crisis, Berlusconi say, ended in 2009. In fact, the governor Caldoro just a few days ago, has appointed new commissioners for the new landfill to be realized.
The waste crisis in Campania 17 years. Then the government decided to Commissioners of management. The Camorra, despite promises managed the transportation and location of the land, local institutions were unable to find a solution for uscire dalla crisi, al governo arrivò, dopo Ciampi, Berlusconi con ministro dell’Interno Roberto Maroni. Un quadro sostanzialmente immutato.
Il primo commissario fu Umberto Improta fino al 1996, dopo di lui altri 9 commissari, tra politici, uomini dello stato e presunti salvatori della patria come Guido Bertolaso, che non sono riusciti a risolvere il problema. Ancora a processo per la mala-gestione gli ex vertici di Impregilo e gli uomini del commissariato, su tutti Antonio Bassolino. Per l’ex governatore, il prossimo 28 aprile nuovo processo per peculato, sotto accusa le consulenze d’oro durante il periodo di gestione commissariale.
L’emergenza, per volere del governo Berlusconi, è finita ufficialmente nel dicembre 2009, but the governor of Campania Caldoro Stefano, in these days, has appointed new commissioners for the landfill to build the incinerator and east of Naples. They are respectively vice-Vardè Annunziato and Professor Alberto Carotenuto. The first committed by the Joint Commissioner of Malnate in the province of Varese, after the early termination of the city council now comes in Campania looking for new holes. Stay on track, the possibility of locating a landfill in Nola, near Naples, an area that is characterized by respect for the percentage figures for the separate collection of standards in this area. "Every draft that comes from the province includes a hole to be carried out in our area are common despite the virtuous, if we provide a landfill for the other areas where different thing expected? We have already given two closed landfills and Stir a plant still in operation. " So Raffaele De Simone, Mayor of Roccarainola, Nola's common that differentiates the 70% of the waste with an independent management. In recent days the administration has had to deal with a raid on the means of the town, burnt a vehicle and four gasoloni stolen.
The recipe, after 17 years, is always the same: finding new reservoirs in which to pour years of mismanagement and bad smelling bags. WWF raises the collection as the only answer. "The solution to the crisis chronic waste involving Naples is represented by the collection 'door to door' that would save 40 million a year, finally leaving behind 17 years of emergency. " In 7 districts already Neapolitan is carried out door to door service with excellent results, a model also greeted positively by the public, as evidenced by the study conducted by a team of professors and researchers from the Department of Sociology, University Federico II of Naples on a sample of 1,341 citizens of Naples.
While still running the incinerator, composting facilities in the region are lacking to address the wet portion, with an average spend around 100 euro ton to bring the number of staff varies in other regions of Italy. Lack the real implementation of European directives that require reduction and recycling as a priority. Meanwhile, after the approval of milleproroghe, the Campania region will increase the taxes paid by citizens. The regions in which it was declared a state of emergency, may decide to increase the taxes, and the additional regional tax on petrol. For the region will increase the excise additional electricity to meet the emergency waste. A new blow for the citizens. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party denounced the step as from March 1, the collection of Tarsu by municipalities to the provinces of Campania. "It 'a very serious decision - the second parent to the Senate Anna Finocchiaro - contained in milleproroghe that not only deprive municipalities of their constitutional prerogative, but in the absence of rules, opens a gate further the activities of organized crime."

Friday, February 18, 2011

Female Brazilian Wax Before And After

Rifiuti a Napoli: Wwf, emergenza impianti di compostaggio

Metropolis 17/02/2011 - Only the City of Naples has spent "more than last year € 2 million to transfer the staff, and would have spent a little more than 600,000 if there were rigs operating in the region and could invest more in recycling. Se Napoli attivasse il porta a porta in tutta la città con risultati medi simili agli attuali dovrebbe spendere solo per conferire l'organico 30 milioni l'anno che potrebbero invece essere utilizzati per la differenziata". Lo scrivono, in una nota, Alessandro Gatto e Ornella Capezzuto, rispettivamente presidente Wwf Campania e Wwf Napoli. I dirigenti dell'associazione ambientalista chiedono di attivare immediatamente gli impianti di compostaggio che"permetterebbero di non caricare gli impianti Stir del materiale più problematico, di produrre una Frazione Organica Stabilizzata di buona qualità per le ricomposizioni del territorio, di produrre fertilizzante naturale tanto necessario all'agricoltura della Campania, di ridurre sensibilmente la formazione leachate. The municipalities have economic problems for the transfer of staff collected separately in other regions: on average bear a cost of over € 160 per tonne which would be reduced by 70% when plants were active in the region. "" And what do the authorities charge? They create the commissioners for incineration and continue with the policy of 'temporary', which does not comply with European Directives, the Landfill! The landfill Chiaiano is low.

If it had focused more on recycling and incineration would last less than 5 years!. We want to scream aloud that we are tired of this deception and this short-sighted policy towards interessi dei cittadini! Politica che, con inceneritori e le discariche, non farà altro che continuare a inquinare il territorio e l'aria, puntando ad una falsa soluzione del problema che arriverà non prima di 5 anni! Chiediamo all'Assessore Romano di emanare subito un provvedimento per l'immediata attivazione degli impianti di compostaggio pronti e lo sblocco di tutte le procedure per quelli da costruire in tutta la Regione ed in particolare a Napoli! In sei mesi potremmo capovolgere la situazione", aggiungono ancora Gatto e Capezzuto " E nel frattempo? I cittadini continueranno a districarsi in una selva di sempre più gravi problemi, sopravvivendo ad una situazione in cui - concludono - gli amministratori, a cui è stato affidato il compito a solution, continue to demonstrate that not being able to do so. "

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Killing Yourself On Restoril

Per non dimenticare

the President of the Community Park of Vesuvius - Mayor Joseph CAPASSO
; City   di   S. Sebastiano al Vesuvio (NA)                                                        
                   pc    At President of the National Park of Vesuvius
at Ottaviano (NA )

pc the mayors of the Vesuvius National Park

Subject: Urgent Notice Community Park.

The Citizens' Committee of Boscotrecase,
seen for the perpetuation of the spill is still many months of MSW landfill in the former Sari Vesuvius National Park;
considered that the was not yet feasible alternative to a real "illegal" as the protected   sede di discarica, come sottolineato più volte dalla Comunità del Parco e   come sanzionato dalla UE;
rilevato l’assenza completa di un piano certo del ciclo di rifiuti come prevedono le leggi comunitarie e, vista l’enorme discrepanza tra gli stessi comuni del Parco in tema di RD sia quantitativa che qualitativa;
nell’interesse delle popolazioni vesuviane ricadenti nell’area protetta e nell’ottica di una obbligatoria tutela ambientale e della salute pubblica

si invita

the SV to take up the proposal to convene an urgent the Assembly of the Community of Vesuvius National Park c / o the forum for the Body, in a with the Presidency and the Management the Park, involving five commonly associated with the "red zone" and allowed to landfills former Sari, in order to promote a strong common initiative aiming to plan an integrated cycle of treatment RSU of Commons that would allow the above action consortium providing stable and lasting treatment upstream as differentiated as possible to avoid falling back again in the near future, provided emergency.

Given that the area of \u200b\u200bthe Vesuvius National Park should not be provided for any hypothesis, however improvidently feared, the processing of any type of waste which, as a committee, we would oppose with all our strength, we become immediately available to support any initiative that sees the government in question contribute to a virtuous cycle of MSW from the reduction upstream from the organization of waste collection recycling and reuse, the organization of area composting in areas away from the park, make sure the chains of the various consortia to address the issue of recycling and disposal of dry residual undifferentiated fraction protocols or implementing "zero waste" as signed by some common or directing this type of waste c / o structures outside TMM region, taking into account that such a design approach that we like to call model Terzigno " will reduce the possible damage to the land and the health of our populations virtually eliminating the use of the landfill.
This proposal would immediately schedule the necessary reclamation of the territory, required by law and not yet implemented.

Waiting for a prompt response
Best regards.

                                                    City Committee Boscotrecase

Monday, February 14, 2011

Blackberry Pokemon Theme Curve

The design of Ugo Pierri

Why Would A Baby Have Candida Albicans

The oil that is scary to the 'Ndrangheta

oil frightening to the 'Ndrangheta

James Zappia
is the president of the cooperative Valle del Marro-Free Earth, foster land confiscated from the' Ndrangheta.

How did the history of assets seized?
From a proposal for a Free, in 1995. The following year came the law 109 that returns the assets Mafia citizenship. Since then, 11,152 have been confiscated property, half of which have been allocated.
What assets are they? Especially
apartments and farmland, the latter are more than 1900, 1200 of which are already designed and delivered.
As we approached this reality?
I graduated recently when Don Demasi, pastor of Polistena, representative of Freedom, he proposed to make a reconnaissance of the land confiscated in the Plain of Gioia Tauro, together with the Special Commissioner of Police and the Government. Two years later came the social cooperative Valle del Marro-free land. I decided to invest in this project.
The beginnings have not been easy.
The land was abandoned for years, were choked by thorns, orange groves, olive groves by bush. The work was hard, but we managed to do it alone, without government aid. As we work to rebuild the mafiosi were busy for the destruction, cutting down trees, fire, damage to wells and irrigation systems. Before then, the confiscated property had always remained unused, or under the supervision of former owners. On our way we met fierce guard dogs, fences and gates, none of whom had undergone the chiavi.Abbiamo everything from sabotage, theft of vehicles and agricultural equipment.
To whom belonged the lands of the Valle del Marro?
groves and citrus trees belonged to the families and Piromalli Mammoliti, actors in the criminal history of the '60s and 90. We do not care who you occupy virtually the care of the earth, we prefer to look ahead to prevent the mafia to infiltrate the labor market.
As the situation now?
The intimidation continues, and burglars are welded doors, locks removed, vans out of place. The gangsters want us to feel their presence, they are a slap in the face, a real threat to the social prestige of the bosses and the system of consensus. Get off their lands and homes is not only impoverished, is first and foremost a blow to the myth of impunity.
And the locals?
Their support is essential to break the encirclement Mafia. Over the years, attitudes have changed, many people felt that the Mafia does not work right. Today our company is appreciated because it provides a regular job and promotes the area, thanks to the commercial arrangements with the Coop. Who is on our side the past has rejected any compromise with the Mafia, even the "shoot to live" in the gray area of \u200b\u200bsmall illegal. We also involved the local farmers, we want to enhance the products quality and legality of those who choose, to encourage whistle-racketeering, who respects the laws on labor, producers focusing on ethical issues in your company. Reconciling
civil commitment and quality of production is possible.
We have adopted organic farming systems, producing extra virgin olive oil, canned eggplant and peppers pesto piccanti.Il our oil was quoted by the magazine "The Italian Cuisine" as one of the best extra virgin of Calabria, including the leadership of the World 'olive oil has a reserved space.
Libera Terra brand is well known, how much space you have on the market? On extra-regional
territory we have a good network marketing, such as Coop and Fair Trade shops. On the other hand, local area distribution is extremely inadequate.
We've put a disclaimer time with the mafia?
So far we have only had disappointing experiences, but do not despair. The bags work for prisoners to be admitted to the alternative measures were not taken into account by the beneficiaries themselves.
What is missing most of your initiative?
to reclaim and restore property confiscated need financial support. But the money just is not enough, our initiative needs a broader network involving institutions and economies.

Rosalba Risaliti