Wednesday, January 12, 2011

License A Home Built Trailer In Ontario



Fiat. Airaudo (Fiom): "Since this morning, Fiat is doing its congregations and says that the text so far known is not the latest version of the Agreement. What will be voted in the referendum? "

Giorgio Airaudo, national secretary and head of the car Fiom-CGIL, has issued the following statement this morning.

"Since this morning, the Body of Mirafiori, there has been a singular phenomenon. The production is stopped by the company and groups of workers are gathered from the corporate hierarchy who explains in his own way, the contents of a separate agreement on December 23. In practice, the Fiat is doing its meetings. "

" In other words, the silence of the signatory unions, the company has taken on not only the direct control of the front yes, but also the initiative to replace the unions themselves. "

" A questo fatto, già clamoroso, se ne aggiunge un altro gravissimo. I capi dicono ai lavoratori delle Carrozzerie che il testo dell’accordo - che è stato distribuito ai lavoratori solo dalla Fiom, ovvero dal sindacato che non lo ha sottoscritto - non sarebbe l’ultima versione dell’accordo stesso. Questa è una patente bugia che, evidentemente, viene diffusa a scopi puramente propagandistici.”

“Le cose non stanno come dice la Fiat , ma se quel che i capi stanno dicendo fosse vero, in quale luogo segreto l’accordo sarebbe stato modificato? E ancora: i sindacati firmatari ne sono stati informati? E soprattutto: su che cosa veramente si voterà nel referendum 13 and Jan. 14? "

" Other than modernity and innovation of industrial relations, the reality is that today the Fiat workers are treated as a property company and there is no space for their own representation. We're back at the time of the owners of the ironworks. "

Fiom-Cgil/Ufficio print

Rome, January 12, 2011


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