Monday, December 15, 2008

Gmc Avalanche Ltz 2008

La storia, le lotte e i sogni di chi ha pagato con la vita il prezzo delle proprie idee. Dagli eccidi di contadini e operai nel dopoguerra all’esecuzione di Valerio Verbano e Peppino Impastato, dai caduti del ‘77 alla morte di Carlo Giuliani.
L’Italia è una Repubblica fondata sul mistero. Un concerto of occult forces with special laws that have engaged in plotting against the voices from below require the recognition of fundamental rights. The result is a deadly license to kill that, since World War II to the present day, has shattered the lives of women and men, often young, united by a passion that speaks of equality, liberty and fraternity. From the massacre of Portella della Ginestra the repression of demonstrations held during the G8 Summit in Genoa, red heart is the story of a war declared but never ruthless. A war that has used unconventional weapons fired tear gas at eye level and with the collusion of politics and mafia crime to assault, intimidate and often killing people it deemed dangerous. So, in Italy, the "red hearts" die for your ideas or, more cruelly, for their diversity of existence. Alceste Campanile murder of the death of Carlo Giuliani, the assassination of Peppino Impastato, and Fausto Iaio executions and Valerio Verbano, Cesare dall'accoltellamento David "Dax" organized the recent attacks by militants of the extreme right in Rome and Verona, red heart and a book dedicated to the victims of contemporary fascist massacres and violence that not even the police have nothing. Pressed by a narrative style based on the evidence of facts, Hearts Red tells stories of oppression is too often neglected comparing with the soul of a country far from pacified.

Came During Brazilian Wax

the big lie of the losers

who seized power with violence, killing and torturing political opponents? Fascism or anti-fascism? Who started a war of aggression with Nazi Germany against the rest of Europe and the world? The government's anti-fascist or fascist? Who used the castor oil, beatings and torture, made it impossible to speak in their own language and express their thoughts? Who was mopping up, burned houses, deportations, death camps, executions, genocide? Who are we to judge who today became justice itself, Mr. Pansa? Again we witness the reconstruction of the history for the consumption of current ruling elites who are trying to close the account, even in imagination, with a story that sees them murderers. one of the protagonists of qquest'operazione, which lasts for at least a decade Giampaolo Pansa, without citing sources or documents, draws on "research" of some ex-Republican and becomes successful publishing garbage otherwise impresentabile.RaiFiction lends in this revisionist policy: past the "Heart in the Well" foibe on fiction, "Edda Ciano," "I Mussolini" and "Porzus", are an example evidentedella desire to reconstruct arbitrarily the history of Italy, with the express intent to convey content revisionisti.Nel case of the "losers," Pansa supports his conjecture on the basis of written argument and supported by neo-fascists like George deliberately Pisanò.Ignora the historical context in which unravel the episodes after the Liberation, so that decontextualized totalmente.Riabilita figures such as Giovanni Preziosi, who committed suicide to avoid falling into the hands of the Jews, who at the time he drove "the inspectorate for social race" established in 1944 and strongly desired nazisti.Amico by the ras of Cremona, Roberto Farinacci described him as "eater of the Jews" The attack on the resistance has a dual purpose: on one side relegated to parentheses tragic fratricidal war with the equation di vittime e carnefici;dall'altr espellere le masse dalla storia,subordinandone le conflittualità e le lotte.In questo contesto,l'attacco a quei pochi diritti sociali(istruzione,sanità,diritto a manifestare il proprio pensiero e dissenso)e alla gestione pubblica delle risorse del nostro paese attraverso leggi antisociali(esternalizzazioni,precarizzazione,privatizzazioni,speculazioni edilizie)e inevitabilmente arriverà ad attaccare e smantellare la nostra Costituzione e la memoria storica di chi,con il proprio sangue,ha combattuto ed è morto per far risollevare l'Italia dalla dittatura fascista:i partigiani,la Resistenza.
Questo revisionismo becero non è più tollerabile ed è necessario rispondere.Il fascismo Today he says and does the same thing yesterday, the same violence, the same intolerance, the same racism.

Jc Penneys Salon Chi Straighteners

To show our dissent against this climate of intolerance and racial hatred, to the streets to show that we can not bear this injustice and populism that generates. Sunday, December 21


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How To Build Wall Fountian

Dec. 21 Friday, December 19

... 20:45 pm, at the local civic hall Morelli, Piazza Repubblica, limed, coordination of anti-fascist low Brescia, in collaboration with the ANPI di Brescia, organizes the projection Performing "clandestine radio" Ascanio Celestini.Ecco a brief presentation of the work:

March 25 of '44 if they do read one that announces the death of 320 people: the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine. "Dell'Ardeatine This is a story that one could tell in a minute or a week." It is a story that begins at the end of the nineteenth century, when Rome became the capital and continues in the years when we build the villages, continued with the war in Africa and Spain, with the racist laws of '38, the second war, until the bombardment of San Lorenzo, until September 8. It is the history of the occupation that does not end with the liberation of Rome. It is the story of those buried by tons of soil in a quarry sull'Ardeatina and women who go looking for them, wives who work in the 50s and their children and grandchildren who still tell that story.

remind you that entrance is free.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ironing Board Lever Broken

"A son named Benito and Rachele and you now 1500 € "

€ 1500 per child or children who will bear the name of Benito and Rachele, in honor of Mussolini. The transaction is signed by the nostalgia Social Movement-Tricolor Flame of Basilicata. One way, say by far-right party, to "address the problem of depopulation of the region."
The conditions for the granting of this one-time contribution by the same party, are been established by the regional secretary of the party, Vincent Mancusi, and are rigid: Benito for boys, for girls Rachel and the birth must have occurred in 2009 in five countries of the southern region (Calvera, Coal, Cersosimo, Fardella and St. Paul Albanian), the money must be used strictly for the unborn child (crib to buy clothes or food). The same amount of money, guarantee, will be devoted to children born to parents outside the EU. The countries were chosen because, due to the depopulation and low birth rate, are at risk of cancellation.

The news was immediately revived by a British newspaper, which notes that the name Benito, today, both practically disappeared, "because of its connection with the figure of Mussolini."

I thought it was a joke, but here's how to "throw" money ...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Daft Things To Write In A Baby Card

Books about neo-fascism in Italy

A brief review of the literature to study and combat

neo-fascism in Italy today:

2. Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism 5. Laura Balbo, Luigi Manconi, racism. A vocabulary
6. Gianni Barbacetto, the grand old
7. Daniele Barbieri, Black Agenda
8. Mark Levy MD, Writings
9. Giovanni Maria Bellu, Giuseppe D'Avanzo, Days of Gladio
10. John Bianconi, armed robbery
11. John Bianconi, Boys underworld
12. Norberto Bobbio, against the new despotism
13. Norberto Bobbio, From fascism to democracy
14. Norberto Bobbio, the ideological profile of '900 16. Giorgio Bocca, the black wire 17. Giulio Calvisi, Ali Baba Faye (ed.), White Paper on the Bossi Fini 18. Elias Canetti, Crowds and Power 19. Romano Canosa, history of crime 'in Italy since 1946
20. Mario Hair (eds.), My heart is black
21. Mario Caprara, Gianluca Semprini, Right and extreme criminal
22. Casarrubea Joseph, Death of a secret agent
23. Casarrubea Joseph, The Secret History of Sicily
24. Adriana Cavarero, Horror
25. Giorgio Cingolani, the right weapons
26. Antonio Cipriani, Gianni Cipriani, Sovereignty 'limited
27. Gianni Cipriani, judges against
28. Gianni Cipriani, principals I
29. Gianni Cipriani, Giuseppe De Lutiis, Aldo Giannuli, Italy
and the mysteries of the massacres. Secret services. From the postwar period in Florence (May 1993)
30. Noemi Colombo (ed.), The memory for the future
31. Parliamentary Committee for Intelligence and Security Services and the
state secrets, First report on the system Intelligence and Security
32. Gustavo Corni, Fascism and fascism
33. Alessandro Dal Lago, Non-
34 people. Marcella Delle Donne, xenophobia and civil coexistence
35. Giovanni De Luna and Marco Revelli, Fascism / anti-fascism
36. Giuseppe De Lutiis, The dark side of power
37. Giuseppe De Lutiis, History of the secret services in Italy
38. Ernesto De Martino, Furore Symbol Value
39. Ernesto De Martino, The End of the World
40. Giancarlo De Palo, Giannuli Aldo (ed.), The massacre in the state. Twenty years later

41. [Edward M. Di Giovanni, Marco Ligini and many other comrades and companions
], The massacre of State
42. Saverio Ferrari, Da Salo 'Arcore
43. Xavier Ferrari, Carnage status
44. Fiasconaro Alessandrini and accuse
45. Sergio Flamigni, Trame Atlantic
46. Gianni Flamini, the bandwidth of the Magliana
47. Franco Fortini, insistent
48. Franco Fortini, essays and epigrams
49. Franco Fracassi, The Fourth Reich
50. Erich Fromm, The Anatomy of destructiveness' human
51. Luciano Gallino, Dictionary of Sociology
52. Paul Ginsborg, Italy this time
53. Paul Ginsborg, History of Italy since the war to date
54. [Free Gualtieri], Operation Gladio. The secrets of Sid parallel
55. Mario Guarino, shrines prohibited
56. Piero Ignatius, post-Fascist?
57. Piero Ignatius, The extreme right in Europe
58. Walter Laqueur (ed.), Dictionary of the Holocaust
59. Achille Lega, George Santerini, Massacre in Rome to Brescia power
60. Primo Levi, Opere
61. Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Anti-Semitism
62. Hannibal Paloscia, Secrets of the Interior Ministry
63. Pier Paolo Pasolini, Empiricism heretical
64. Pier Paolo Pasolini, Lettere Lutheran
65. Pier Paolo Pasolini, Oil
66. Pier Paolo Pasolini, Scritti pirates
67. Claudio Pavone, The Origins of the Republic
68. [Giovanni Pellegrino], lights on killings
69. Valentina Pisanty, The disturbing question of the gas chambers
70. Nicholas Rao, The Flame and the Celtic
71. Marco Revelli, the two right
72. Annamaria Rivera, strangers and enemies
73. Petra Rosenbaum, the new fascism Salo 'to Almirante
74. Marco Rovelli, Italian Lager
75. Gian Enrico Rusconi, and post-Fascist Resistance
76. Giulio Salierno, Autobiography of a fascist thug
77. Enzo Santarelli, Critical History of the Republic
78. Umberto Santino, mafias and globalization
79. Umberto Santino, La mafia bourgeoisie
80. Gerardo Serravalle, Gladio
81. Frediano Sessi, do not forget the Holocaust
82. Stajano Corrado, Marco Fini, the strength of democracy
83. Ugo Maria Tassinari, Fascisteria
84. Luca Telese, Hearts blacks
85. Gian Pietro Testa, The massacre of Peteano
86. Gian Pietro Testa, History of Italy massacres of 1969-1993
87. John Verni, From Resistance to today
88. Roger Zangrandi, Inquiry into Sifar
89. Sergio Zavoli, The night of the republic

The growth of fascism in Italy today requires a commitment to defend the rights and dignity
'human solidarity'
concrete and working with the men and women persecuted for reaffirmation of legality '
constitutional democracy and the rule of law.
But to deal adequately with the neo-Fascism must also
study and interpret this complex phenomenon.
Here is the test signal in which the person who compiled this bibliography
found something useful for different reasons for this purpose. Many other texts
course might appear, and it 'likely that others will report
further review in the near future.
course books are of unequal value, not always shared in
full (or in some parts), and especially those cutting
journalists are exposed to the errors of its kind (the haste '
information and expression, the give for sure what 'that is not',
the curvature that the ideas and intentions of the writer to give what 'that relates
); readers also are aware that over time things have exact dates for
proved wrong, things believed to be true turned out to be false, and things stay hidden
have then been discovered, so that 'it also takes into account
publication dates.
Who writes this note, having for many years and practiced the noble art of disconsolate
check and correct texts of others who hardly knows you and
'book which contains no errors, and also knows that too often the authors
best-intentioned lie - to ignorance, distraction, to flattery,
for interest, cowardice, 'cruelty', for lack of love for the truth
, 'cause you feel good, or smart, or chissacche'. Readers will be warned
. How he felt that nothing spreads more 'easily
nonsense from book to book, jackets' having been already'
ye say in a volume favors the reception and the re
indefinitely. Every player that is also true of the researcher should
ALSO 'philologist and be good to remember that working in this field will always
on stilts.
Finally, the theme that interests us here - neo-fascism in Italy today - it
intersects with many others, but this review does not want to be the minimum
Library of Babel, only an invitation to joining us' and acquire the tools
necessary to counter the fascist violence in the most '

consistent and persuasive.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Helicobacter Pylori Diagram

Projection Nazirock in Ghedi (BS) Report

begin the commitments of the Co-ordination with the screening of "Nazirock" film-documentario sulle nuove destre, che ha creato molto scalore nell'ultimo anno.

Seguirà un dibattito sul nuovo nazismo e fascismo che sta invadendo il nostro Paese, compresa Ghedi, dove pochi mesi fa han tentato di aprire un centro di estrema destra.

Siete tutti invitati MERCOLEDI' 29 OTTOBRE, alle ORE 20.30, alla Sala Consiliare di GHEDI (BS).


l'intero evento è autofinanziato dal Coordinamento Antifascista della Bassa Bresciana

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Size Calculator For Women

first meeting

Il 10 settembre 2008 si è tenuta la prima assemblea del coordinamento antifascista della bassa bresciana.Erano presenti una trentina di people, mainly from the low countries, who discussed methods of more 'effective to combat neo-fascism and neo-Nazism, phenomena more and more' present, especially among the young, even in our provincia.Abbiamo identified what the real problem: what might be called "fascism bar", widespread and dangerous phenomenon that leads to a shift in votes more and more 'to parties of the extreme destra.I bars are full of guys who show racist attitudes and fascist ideology without a solid background . They are often intolerant of kids who are "in" Roman exchanging greetings and draw Celtic crosses on the walls. From the initial "good" kids to pass, with the encouragement of Friends, hatred and xenophobia and fascist thought. Obviously, far-right parties and movements supporters are ready to attract to itself these associations as ragazzi.Le Pound House or parties such as Forza Nuova Fiamma Tricolore exploit this climate of fear among children, affecting their behavior. Also under the current government (especially the League) arrive continuous implicit and explicit incitement to mass reaction against those who believe the proponents of the crisis (migrants, left). The media greatly influence the perception of the mass on the facts of record, emphasizing the crimes committed by foreigners, and vilified by certain political parties at the expense of others. In this way divert attention from the serious situations that occur in Paese.Anche our individual municipalities maintain order with fascist rules such as bans absurd in the parks (do not eat, drink, early termination, etc..) cameras that observe all our movements, controls more and more 'particularly excessive against foreign nationals. The institutions, both left and right, do nothing to integrate the various cultures in the area, nor are surprised and condemn racist and fascist events, such as the opening of Casa Pound Brescia Ghedi.Il new fascism is organized in subtle movements and associations, which did not immediately riconducenti symbols of fascism and Nazism (such as swastikas and Celtic crosses), and presenting programs that in fact seem similar to communist groups, but in essence start from different assumptions and conflicting. For example, are against the atomic bombs against extortionate loans, the excessive power of the banks, the information part ecc.Il Our job is to make young people understand the difference between our and their projects, and explain to them that in fact this association I am not against the system, but serves the state, political parties that appoggiano.Per do that 'we need to know these new fascist movements, monitor their movements on the ground and create more anticiparle.Dobbiamo' specific facilities for young people in alternative spaces in which , there is an equality, tolerance of others, respect reciproco.L 'anti-fascism must be based on a nuovo linguaggio, piu' diretto ai giovani e più appropriato ai tempi che corrono. I fascisti guadagnano consensi proprio perché sanno dare presunte risposte che sembrano reali ai problemi della società.Allo stesso tempo bisogna tener viva la memoria, legata alla Resistenza contro il fascismo degli anni Quaranta. La Resistenza non deve essere ricordata come un evento passato, non deve essere una commemorazione, ma una sfida continua.Dobbiamo pero' affermare che il fascismo del terzo millennio è diverso da quello mussoliniano: è presente nella società in maniera piu' nascosta, è nel capitalismo, nell'omofobia, nel razzismo, nello sfruttamento dei lavoratori, nella negazione della libertà e della privacy dell'individuo, nel rigor of the law, nell'incostituzionalità, corruption of the politicians who govern us and many other things.

remember that we are all fighting for the same purpose, that is not our policy at the institutional level, but an initiative that will be made on a practical level in the squares, streets, schools, board rooms ... We are not fighting among political parties or different ways to handle the communist ideal, but we're forming a coordination against intolerance and exploitation, in which all work together according to their means and interests.