Thursday, October 2, 2008

Size Calculator For Women

first meeting

Il 10 settembre 2008 si è tenuta la prima assemblea del coordinamento antifascista della bassa bresciana.Erano presenti una trentina di people, mainly from the low countries, who discussed methods of more 'effective to combat neo-fascism and neo-Nazism, phenomena more and more' present, especially among the young, even in our provincia.Abbiamo identified what the real problem: what might be called "fascism bar", widespread and dangerous phenomenon that leads to a shift in votes more and more 'to parties of the extreme destra.I bars are full of guys who show racist attitudes and fascist ideology without a solid background . They are often intolerant of kids who are "in" Roman exchanging greetings and draw Celtic crosses on the walls. From the initial "good" kids to pass, with the encouragement of Friends, hatred and xenophobia and fascist thought. Obviously, far-right parties and movements supporters are ready to attract to itself these associations as ragazzi.Le Pound House or parties such as Forza Nuova Fiamma Tricolore exploit this climate of fear among children, affecting their behavior. Also under the current government (especially the League) arrive continuous implicit and explicit incitement to mass reaction against those who believe the proponents of the crisis (migrants, left). The media greatly influence the perception of the mass on the facts of record, emphasizing the crimes committed by foreigners, and vilified by certain political parties at the expense of others. In this way divert attention from the serious situations that occur in Paese.Anche our individual municipalities maintain order with fascist rules such as bans absurd in the parks (do not eat, drink, early termination, etc..) cameras that observe all our movements, controls more and more 'particularly excessive against foreign nationals. The institutions, both left and right, do nothing to integrate the various cultures in the area, nor are surprised and condemn racist and fascist events, such as the opening of Casa Pound Brescia Ghedi.Il new fascism is organized in subtle movements and associations, which did not immediately riconducenti symbols of fascism and Nazism (such as swastikas and Celtic crosses), and presenting programs that in fact seem similar to communist groups, but in essence start from different assumptions and conflicting. For example, are against the atomic bombs against extortionate loans, the excessive power of the banks, the information part ecc.Il Our job is to make young people understand the difference between our and their projects, and explain to them that in fact this association I am not against the system, but serves the state, political parties that appoggiano.Per do that 'we need to know these new fascist movements, monitor their movements on the ground and create more anticiparle.Dobbiamo' specific facilities for young people in alternative spaces in which , there is an equality, tolerance of others, respect reciproco.L 'anti-fascism must be based on a nuovo linguaggio, piu' diretto ai giovani e più appropriato ai tempi che corrono. I fascisti guadagnano consensi proprio perché sanno dare presunte risposte che sembrano reali ai problemi della società.Allo stesso tempo bisogna tener viva la memoria, legata alla Resistenza contro il fascismo degli anni Quaranta. La Resistenza non deve essere ricordata come un evento passato, non deve essere una commemorazione, ma una sfida continua.Dobbiamo pero' affermare che il fascismo del terzo millennio è diverso da quello mussoliniano: è presente nella società in maniera piu' nascosta, è nel capitalismo, nell'omofobia, nel razzismo, nello sfruttamento dei lavoratori, nella negazione della libertà e della privacy dell'individuo, nel rigor of the law, nell'incostituzionalità, corruption of the politicians who govern us and many other things.

remember that we are all fighting for the same purpose, that is not our policy at the institutional level, but an initiative that will be made on a practical level in the squares, streets, schools, board rooms ... We are not fighting among political parties or different ways to handle the communist ideal, but we're forming a coordination against intolerance and exploitation, in which all work together according to their means and interests.


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