Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ironing Board Lever Broken

"A son named Benito and Rachele and you now 1500 € "

€ 1500 per child or children who will bear the name of Benito and Rachele, in honor of Mussolini. The transaction is signed by the nostalgia Social Movement-Tricolor Flame of Basilicata. One way, say by far-right party, to "address the problem of depopulation of the region."
The conditions for the granting of this one-time contribution by the same party, are been established by the regional secretary of the party, Vincent Mancusi, and are rigid: Benito for boys, for girls Rachel and the birth must have occurred in 2009 in five countries of the southern region (Calvera, Coal, Cersosimo, Fardella and St. Paul Albanian), the money must be used strictly for the unborn child (crib to buy clothes or food). The same amount of money, guarantee, will be devoted to children born to parents outside the EU. The countries were chosen because, due to the depopulation and low birth rate, are at risk of cancellation.

The news was immediately revived by a British newspaper, which notes that the name Benito, today, both practically disappeared, "because of its connection with the figure of Mussolini."

I thought it was a joke, but here's how to "throw" money ...


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