Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Acrostic Poem About Camels .

Hello Mario. No

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gamestop Ps3 Headset Trade In


This morning I received a letter from the Public Assistance Monsummanese.
"The Board of Directors of the Public Assistance Monsummanese, thank you very much your body (Teen Coop) for the generous offer to go into this association in relation to fundraising for the purchase or ... a volunteer ambulance in memory of our dear Antony Orsan.
remember that the figure allocated, through the sale of bookmarks made by students, is € 582.00. Thank you all!!

Woolite In Front Loader Foam


This afternoon some members of the Teen Coop (about 40) will be at the Coop Larciano to help those working in the Food Bank in collecting food in the coming days !!!!!! will post some photos !!!!!

Coleman Stirling Cooler Parts


Members Teen's Coop, assisted by teachers and Innocenti Dami Susanna Serena, are preparing rigorously craft and beautiful objects made from recycled materials for sale at the Christmas market which will open its "doors" Wednesday, December 9! In the coming days we will upload some work on the blog!

How To Know If A Scorpio Still Likes You


Although a bit late, here comes the new board of Teen Coop:

: Alessio Abbruzzese
Press Contact: Julia Masi - Cristian Maccioni
Cashier: Cristian Massaro - Giulia Boschi
SECRETARIES: Vanessa Bianconi - Giulio Thesis
DONACIBO MAN CONTACT: Julia Woods - Cardinal Giulia
CHRISTMAS LOTTERY CONTACT: Julie theses - Alessio Abbruzzese
CONTACT CHRISTMAS FAMILY BINGO : Dorothy Vannucchi - David Bindi
REFERENTI TELETHON: Giulia Cardinale - Vanessa Bianconi
REFERENTI CERCO UN UOVO AMICO: Christian Massaro - Maria Giulia Meozzi
REFERENTI LOTTERIA DI PASQUA: Cristian Maccioni - Giulia Boschi
REFERENTI MERCATINO FINALE: Cristian Massaro - Diletta Vannucchi

Adesso rimbocchiamoci le mani che gli obiettivi sono molti ma insieme ce la faremo!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Non Responsive Patient With Eyes Open

the headquarters of Forza Nuova!

Forza Nuova in Buenos Aires, thanks to the City

Luciano Muhlbauer

The allocation to the militant neo-Nazi group, Forza Nuova , A locally-owned and come in a prestigious central area of \u200b\u200bMilan, conducted by the City with full knowledge of the facts, it is a shameful, offensive and unacceptable.

We therefore ask the Mayor Moratti to immediately repeal this exceptional grant, before we can make the formal opening of the recruitment center and initiative of the neo-Nazi group, announced on the afternoon of Dec. 18.

Otherwise, ie in the absence of duties institutional measures aimed at protection of constitutional legality and the disruption of complicity between members of the municipal administration of extremism and neo-fascist groups, we will assume full legittime le iniziative che i cittadini milanesi vorranno promuovere autonomamente.

C’è, infatti, una diretta responsabilità degli amministratori cittadini in questa squallida vicenda, considerato che i di non si siano nemmeno dovuti travestire, come in altre occasioni, per ottenere dal Comune di Milano, in regolare concessione e per 12 anni, un locale di 290 mq in piena zona shopping, cioè in Corso Buenos Aires, 19/20.

Anzi, chi fosse il beneficiario reale dell’assegnazione del locale era noto sin dal primo momento: tutti gli atti formali e amministrativi identificano chiaramente il soggetto richiedente come “DUILIO CANU/ , as can be seen from both the public minutes of the auction, held July 5th, 2010 at the offices of the State Property Industry and Heritage of the City, situated in Via Larga 12, which local Act granting the final of 23 November last year.

With this shame the center of Milan shows, however, relapsed, only a few weeks have passed since the grant of another area of \u200b\u200bpublic property to a Nazi-fascist formation explicitly. We refer to the local housing granted in dall'Aler Viale Brianza 20 to of neo-Nazi Hammerskin ("Action Fairness Association"), whose posthumous political blessing of the center in the Regional Council.

short, it is obvious to anyone in Milan, after the implosion of the project Black Heart, is undergoing a new and more insidious attempt at territorial roots of militant groups in the galaxy neo-fascist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic. And that those who administer Milan are complicit in this attempt, even through the provision of public properties, is simply appalling.

source: www.milanox.eu

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Best And Fastest Hair Straightener

design ugo Pierri

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Can My Baby Be Sitting On My Bladder

Solidarity with immigrants!

The Theatre Cooperative in Milan, during debut de The tragic story of Pyramus and Thisbe, who die for love of Renato Sarti, represented by a multi-ethnic company (out of six players three of them come from Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba and Russia), in solidarity with foreign workers in Italy, will host 16 Tuesday, before the show, a spokesman for the Committee Immigrants in Milan, which will deliver a keynote update on the plight of immigrants in Brescia that arise from day climb on the crane and Wednesday 17, at 6:30 p.m. , the actors of the Theatre Cooperative will stage a raid on a Imbonati at Carlo Erba, where other immigrants from the Nov. 5 show at the top of the tower.

All this is to reiterate that foreigners, in contrast to what some would have us believe, are not intended to commit a crime, to fall from scaffolding, carers make to our elderly, pick the tomatoes as slaves in greenhouses in the south, but also have expertise, skills and education.

Teatro della Cooperativa

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Clean Popcorn Oil

bagnolo mella Friday November 12, 2010 Presidio antileghista "anti-fascist mobilization

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How Much Does The Sony V569 Cost


E’ l’evento che ha segnato la nascita del nostro gruppo, La Bottequa, e che si è trasformato in un classico. L’idea di offrire a tutta la parrocchia e a chiunque volesse partecipare una sana colazione a base di torte, biscotti, marmellata, the e caffè, tutto rigorosamente equo e solidale, è ormai un appuntamento fisso. Si trasforma così una domenica mattina di novembre in un bel momento sharing and tasting for all, where they can fill the stomach both adults and children.
We wait!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

How To Hook Up A Landline Phone To A Modem

moved to Brescia on 13 November 2010 in Piazza della Loggia


Brescia in recent days has become the national political stage. This role has earned for good or evil from the end of September is the protagonist of the extraordinary struggle of migrants to the amnesty and the same forces repression (political and 'military') are, first, tried-with evictions and prohibitions-to block all initiatives of support and solidarity, and later, with charges, beatings, detentions and arrests showed the natural face of the institutions of power, the so-called 'police'.

In this function, they found the grass roots support el'affiancamento of their most loyal dogs, stupid and servile: the fascists are and remain their servants fools.

One of these micro-organizations had planned to bring together, from all over the peninsula, at Brescia, 13 Nov. any manipulation of decerebration riot of a complement-in 1943-the anniversary of the Angel of ARNALDO, ROLANDO PEZZAGNO, WILLIAM Perinelli and Luigi Gatti (first fallen for freedom in the struggle for liberation in Brescia).

Despite the connivance enjoyed, such as future political and electoral allies of the so-called Freedom Party, after initially obtained the garrison parade of new-Partisans, heirs of the Arditi del Popolo, Garibaldi's volunteers in Spain gappisti of the brave and we know it was forbidden for the usual reasons of 'public policy', have agreed to pursue the only thing they are good at: running away when possible to see the anti-fascist militants. Faced with the prompt mobilization of militant anti-fascists and the lack of follow enjoyed the guys, then, to leave any purpose. With a terse press release and a pathetic statement, admitted that, whereas the mobilization of comrades, these days, in Brescia, not exactly for them.

Since 'the wind still whistles', then we are still in the Piazza! Saturday, Nov. 13 - 14:00 - all the garrison in Piazza della Loggia and then create the parade that will bring solidarity to the five 'brothers' on the yard crane metro-bus to Piazzale Cesare Battisti.