Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brazillian Wax For Plus Size


26 to 30 October 2010

yet the wind was still
Together on stage for EMERGENCY

evenings happenings whose proceeds will be donated to Emergency.

Detailed timetable of the evening:

  • October 26 : Renato Sarti, Rita Pelusio, Marco Rovelli, Zaffa Henry, Cinzia Marseglia, Flavio Pirini
  • October 27 : Fabio Treves, Luca Bonaffini, Max Pisu , Germano Lanzoni, Raul Cremona , David Colavini
  • October 28: Ricky Gianco , Carlo Fava, Giangilberto Monti, Claudio Sessa and the Band Sulutumana , Diego Parassole
  • October 29 : Debora Villa , Marco Ferradini , Fabrizio Canciani, George Melazzi , Sergio Sironi, Stefano Covre , Tiberio Ferracane
  • October 30 : Cochi Ponzoni, Roberta di Lorenzo, Antonio Cornacchione , Andrea Miro Mark Hull, Roberto Brivio

"But the wind still " Pierangelo Bertoli sang in the chorus one of his best songs, leaving open a window of hope in a world that told the verses of the song with raw and apocalyptic tones, but very close to reality.
Life is a struggle and there may be resistance hopeless.
Nevertheless there is always a way out, or at least we like to think that it can be.
In commemoration of this state of mind we believe we can recognize the highest sense of Emergency, which, while operating in the rubble of the world, continues to keep alive the flame of hope for many people.
to them and to their extraordinary activity dedicated to art happenings this week which aims to raise funds and raise awareness in this regard.
A celebration of music and theater, satire and poetry as a sign of solidarity.

Info and reservations: 02 64749997

Prices, promotions and conventions

Location, directions, where to park

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lilliput Portable Tv With 7 Widescreen

lunch solidarity

Raccolta fondi
per i lavoratori licenziati dalla cooperativa PAPAVERO

Domenica 24 ottobre alle ore 13

Il 2-3 ed il 12-13 febbraio i lavoratori scioperano rivendicando:
- rispetto umano e trattamento dignitoso
- rispetto del contratto nazionale nelle parte sia normativa che salariali
– buste paga corrette ed il pagamento di tutte le ore
lavorate (ordinarie e straordinarie)
– una distribuzione equa e non ricattatoria dei
carichi di lavoro delle turnazioni, dell'orario and the extraordinary
- payment of arrears (wages, severance pay)
not paid by the cooperative which had the previous contract and
which by law has to meet the customer

workers of the cooperative, the majority of young migrants to any strike
they were confronted not only cooperation but also
carabinieri and police repeatedly charged the pickets to prevent the success of the strike
After the fight part of the cooperative retaliation Poppy
with disciplinary complaints: you have gone on strike!

Without contesting anything to employees after six months, the coop
Poppy ago 15 political dismissals.
Licenziamenti di rappresaglia!!!

Si vuole mantenere, da parte dei padroni della cooperative e dei
grandi appaltatori, questi lavoratori sotto ricatto permanente in
assenza di regole e di rispetto delle minime norme contrattuali.
Riportare al lavoro i 15 lavoratori รจ l'obbiettivo

ARCI di piazza DALLO - Castiglione delle Stiviere

Comitato Antifascista bassa bresciana
Alto Mantovano Antirazzista

prenotazioni 3471771610 ( dopo le 20)