Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Festa della culture, initiative and the fight against fascism

Wednesday, 14
debates Area: 20.30 presentation of the book "Parma August 25, 1972, murder of Marian Lupo" . The author, Piermichele Pollutri , discuss with Xavier Ferrari - 's Observatory on new democratic right - of militant anti-fascism and neo-fascism .
Stage concerts: Zu Band Rino - Rino Gaetano cover, from Cremona
Brothers Sana - folk, from Brescia

G hursday 15
debates Area: 20.30 " The trial for the massacre of Piazza della Loggia, status and updates, with the plaintiff's lawyer, Frederick Sinica and the journalist Massimo Alberti , Radio Popolare.
Stage concerts: Disorder - punk-hc from Bergamo
Roorexplo - punk-hc, from Bergamo

Friday 16
debates Area: 20.30 "Repression has no stops" , meeting-debate with the Companions arrested for anti-fascism and those reached by the so-called 'oral notice'.
Coordinator Advocate Vicini Manlio
Stage concerts: vintners - ska, from Lecco
Erection continues - ska-punk, from Parma
At the end of concerts, DJ sets pace with DJ Irie and DJ Afro Tafa

Saturday 17
18.30 "BEYOND THE WAVE" , files on the practice and the struggles of the Assembly of Students of Political Science 'University University of Milan. There will be the Companions of the collective.
21.30 Screening of " RESISTANCE! The 'Gang Tom' Partisan and other stories. " Yo Yo Mundi in concert with Giuseppe Cederna and Gang. Texts by Fenoglio, Levi and Wu Ming.
Stage concerts: ataraxia GROP - combat-punk , Como
Forbidden Kings - street-punk, from Stuttgart (D)
Enraged Minority - street-punk, from Baden-Wurttemberg (D)
Guacamaya - combat-punk from London
At the end of concerts, DJ sets drum'n bass with DJ Wolf
Sunday 18
12.00 pm LUNCH SOCIAL of all the comrades, friends and relatives of the festival.
debates Area: 20.30 " institutional racism, the identification and deportation centers, migrant struggles" , the lawyer Sergio Pezzucchi , legal association 'Rights for All' and Ibrahima Diallo office migrants CGIL.
Adro, Coccaglio, Montichiari, Villa Carcina, province of Brescia feud or the Ku Klux Klan?
At the end, screening of the movie: " BURNING THE ICE OF VINCENNES "
Stage concerts: Dino Fumaretto / Billoni Elia, songwriter and pianist refined, Mantua
Trifola Dogs - Special Italian Resistance Poetry Supreme Construction, from Brescia

Friday, June 18, 2010

Buffer Ph Calculators


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Calories And Chinese Chicken And Pineapple

On June 13, say no to the heliport!

Adobe Mt Condensed Extra Bold

26 and June 27 off the TV!